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How to approach and non-approachable woman


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Hello everyone,


I thought I'd seek some help on a situation,


I've been going through a rough breakup but have been back in the dating scene and I met this wonderful girl yesterday, Beautiful!!!!,Smart!!!! and most of all a GREAT personality!!!! The only problem is, is that she's a MODEL!!!, We hit it off pretty good most female models I've worked with have been mostly stuck up and could care less about you. Anyhow, we talked and hit it off pretty good. She was really nice and had a great personality and showed genuine interest about my life and vice versa, we did exchange business cards and left it at that.


Well, this caught my eye and now I've been thinking about her and wondering how should I approach her, IF I should approach her again (email,phone,fax,smoke signal,sky message etc) I'm a decent looking guy but probably nothing compared to what she is use to interacting with (male models and celebrities) so I'm not sure if I'm reaching for the stars when reality is I'm stuck to the ground...


Any ideas on how to approach a woman as her? I'm sure she gets hit on ALL THE TIME and I dont' want to come off as a "typical guy" but I do want to show her that I'm interested...(Man, rejection sucks, thats my BIGGEST fear)


Any ideas people???





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That's cool your life gives you chances to meet attractive women. But they are models. They crave attention. They don't settle. Move on man, don't fear rejection, it's your best friend. Call me stupid, but I find rejection euphoric. It gives me a rush like a drug.

Alright, ask her out to a coffee. Call her on Monday/Tuesday and ask her if she wants to meet on Wed/Thursday. Not the weekend, though. It's too exclusive and she may get some negative vibes from it, she's a model remember. Don't be pushy, if you get rejected handle it like a man should. If she declines, forget about her, move one, don't do business with her.

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I see BEAUTIFUL girls with just average guys all the time.. it sounds like she doesnt care about looks like most do... and she gave you her card thats always a good sign! I think just sending her an email or calling and asking what she is up to in the next few weeks would be nice.. once you guys hang out once or twice if it seems ok send her some flowers or something cute like that through the modeling agency and say if its wednesday just write "flowers just because its wednesday" .. or whatever day it is.. i know i LOVED it when i get surprised for no reason

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Just ring her up and ask her for drinks.


Think of her as any other woman, don't build her or how you think she is used to being approached by men up in your head.


You may find that she actually doesn't get approached as much as you think as men may feel intimidated by her. (it's entirely possible that by not being a drunken letch or slime you are already ahead of the competition.)


Maybe she'll reject you, maybe she won't. But you won't know until you try and the chances are as good for that as for any "average" woman.


And if she stuck around to talk to you after she was done getting paid, that's a good sign already.

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Thanks everyone, great insight!!!!!


It's weird, but the feeling is raw if you know what I mean!!!! I guess a bit of attention goes a long way so I just want to settle down a bit and approach her the best way possible. I'm not sure what her status is "single or dating" I did ask her if she was married and she said NO!!!!


I'm going to email her to open up the line of communication and break the ice a bit, what should I say????? and how can I find out if she is dating and if she IS what should I do then????





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My ex was into modelling and I never really thought for a second she was out of my league. We clicked, that was all that mattered. Only thing is as her portfolio expanded, so too did her ego. By the time we split she was well up her own * * *, and when I met her she was very modest.


I dunno, I don`t want to lump everyone into the same group, but I personally wouldn`t date anyone whose work life consisted of being the centre of attention and being told how gorgeous they were ever again.

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Thanks everyone, great insight!!!!!


It's weird, but the feeling is raw if you know what I mean!!!! I guess a bit of attention goes a long way so I just want to settle down a bit and approach her the best way possible. I'm not sure what her status is "single or dating" I did ask her if she was married and she said NO!!!!


I'm going to email her to open up the line of communication and break the ice a bit, what should I say????? and how can I find out if she is dating and if she IS what should I do then????






Just e mail her and ask her how she has been... try to crack a cute but not too corny joke... and just ask if she has plans on a certain day.. if she says no ask if she is up for something.. and then if you find out she has a boyfriend.. just ask how long theyve been together.. if its a decent length id just forget about it.. but if she stayed after to talk.. PLUS she GAVE you her card.. so id say she is crushin a little

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Don't use any other means of communication then phone. When you call be straightforward with your intentions. Say that you enjoyed conversating with her the last time and you'd like to meet with her to continue it and learn more about her. Don't ask her though, tell her YOU want to meet with her.

If you use email, txt, smoke signals, or postal pigeons she may as well ignore those and you'll be left wondering and checking your email like a maniac waiting for a response. If you call, you'll get an immediate answer. Sort of like like a dentist visit - make it quick and painless.

Another downside to initiating by email etc is that once you don't get an answer you'll resort to other means such as phone for example. Approaching it from multiple angles can only make you appear as needy. No good on the beginning.

Good luck.

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Im going to send her an email, and make it friendly and see how it goes from there. I'm going to do it on monday and I will definitely keep you posted. It's been awhile since I've had to do this (courting) and maybe I'm setting my sghts to high but I have to atleast try right??? I just fear rejection especially with the fact this girl is a regular model with our company and I'll be seeing her again and thats for certain, so that makes me a bit leary to even try and take the step. Nothing like being rejected and then having to see the person that rejected you again and agian. LOL


and to everone else...THANKS!!!!



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Any ideas on how to approach a woman as her? I'm sure she gets hit on ALL THE TIME and I dont' want to come off as a "typical guy" but I do want to show her that I'm interested...(Man, rejection sucks, thats my BIGGEST fear)


Any ideas people???



Typical guys will avoid models, because they think they are too good for them. When in reality none of that is actually true.


you have already shown her that you are intersted. You have her email? so invite her out for a cup of coffee. First dates should always be light and fun. Suggest a time a place and tell her she better be there! Get to know her, so far ur doin kool.

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Im going to send her an email, and make it friendly and see how it goes from there. I'm going to do it on monday and I will definitely keep you posted. It's been awhile since I've had to do this (courting) and maybe I'm setting my sghts to high but I have to atleast try right??? I just fear rejection especially with the fact this girl is a regular model with our company and I'll be seeing her again and thats for certain, so that makes me a bit leary to even try and take the step. Nothing like being rejected and then having to see the person that rejected you again and agian. LOL


and to everone else...THANKS!!!!




np.. everyone gets rejected at least once... i am SO afraid of rejection also.. i get rejected by my boyfriend ALL the time.. but your not setting your sights too high... If there is a beautiful girl that took time out of her busy schedule as a model to have a decent conversation with you then im sure she is a good person.. liek you said most models are ditzy and way into themselves.. if she wasnt that way.. then most girls like that go for guys that are smart and not model looking.. but if you think you are too nervous to call her.. an email would be fine.. i mean if anything.. when you e mail her.. be honest just tell her you wanted to call but shes so beautiful she makes you nervous so you thought youd break the ice with an email at first!

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I'm a photographer and I have worked with some gorgeous models, and it's amazing having talked to them how some don't get hit on all the time as you might expect and that the fact they are so attractive puts a lot of people off!


You have made broken the ice already and obviously got a good vibe from her so i'd give her a call and ask her out for a coffee or if you aren't comfortable that way drop her an email!


Let us know how you get on!

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if this chick is stuck on your looks, you shouldn't be with her anyways. most women just like guys that treat them well. again, i said most. some women like jerks. never worry about what she thinks of you. just try and have a good time with the person. if it doesn't work, move on. no harm no foul. it's all part of dating. she gave you her number didn't she? if she found you repulsive, those digits would not be given away.

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I have to agree with many of the other posters: sometimes, the most attractive women aren't asked out all-too-often. However, others can have a serious attitude.


Most important, consider why you're interested in this girl. Is it for her looks, or because you really like her?


If the former case, I'd say you're no better than any of the other guys asking her out, and so you'll have no better luck.


If the latter, then good luck! (But let me play Devil's advocate here: if you don't really know her, then I would venture to say you want to get to know her because she's attractive. I think, in my humble opinion, you should already have an idea of who she is based on how she treats and interacts with others; and if it is for this reason that you like her, then the very best of luck, my friend!)


And, if you do like her for who she really is--that element of her which will only grow more attractive in time and with age--and she is a nice person (I'm assuming you wouldn't be interested in a girl who wasn't), then I think you have a good chance. But keep in mind the caliber you're asking out in case things go poorly, so as not to inhibit you from making this mistake again.

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i'm a really good looking guy. no, i'm not stuck on myself or anything. but i have had a lot of chicks tell me that they thought i had a gf because of my looks. i usually don't find this out until i hit on them.

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