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Job search has me depressed :(

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A few days before the start of April, my internship with one of the biggest advertising/media agencies in the world came to an end after 14 months. It was a great experience and the company said they'd like to regain contact once I graduate in December. With a great letter of recommendation and lots to add to my resume, I was sure I'd find a new part-time position/internship in no time.


It is now May 9th, and I'm still jobless. I've applied to roughly 8 positions or so. Two of those are super far but I applied just for the heck of it. Didn't get a call back from those, but I said "who cares" because of the distance. I applied to one close to my house, and I did get a call back from them, but it turns out that they weren't willing to be flexible with school schedules and the pay stunk. The other position called me back as well and was for consumer interviewer (good position in my view since I want to do market research) but it's extremely far and the pay is so low I'd use up my salary in gas money alone.


I recently applied for two great positions. One is offering high pay for a very well-known company, and the other one is also close to my house and is related somewhat to stuff I did on my internship. As you can see, I'm a bit picky with the salary because I got paid very well for my internship, and have garnered good experience and high academic credentials. I refuse to accept anything below $13/hr.


I applied to those two great positions on Friday night (I wouldn't expect them to see them on the weekend so I know the first day they might look at them would be Monday). I applied to another good one I saw today (Wednesday). Unfortunately I have yet to hear from the two aforementioned companies.


I used my school's career services website to find my 14 month internship and now I'm using it to find jobs again (undoubtedly it's the best resource available for us students). They helped me tweak my resume recently and now it looks better than ever.


Is it wrong of me to start losing patience after applying for a position merely 5 days ago? Another question - if some of these positions post deadlines for submitting the resume (in this case the deadlines are around May 30th) is it likely that perhaps the companies wait to receive a certain amount of resumes before calling prospective employees to set up an interview? Or is it more likely that the company starts calling people as they receive resumes they find attractive? I'd really hope it's the former and not the latter.

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only 8 positions???


I think that may be why. I know when I have been out of work for more than a month I applied for at least 100 positions!!


Are you applying for the public sector? I have applied for jobs and then 6-8 weeks later had an itnerview.. then it takes them another 2 weeks to decide!

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It's not wrong for you to lose your patience persay.. Job searching is a very frustrating thing. As to your last question about when they call. I think it depends. It depends on how desperate they are in filling the position, and it also depends on who is doing the hiring (if they are a procrastinator, then they probably wait until the end).

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Have you thought about applying for other jobs whilst you're waiting for 'the one' you want? It's easier to get a job when you already have one. Companies see that you're not just sitting around waiting for the right one but doing something about it.


I used to be an 'Assistant Job Club Leader' on a TFW course (Training for work). It was good experience and I enjoyed helping people. All I got was my Job Seeker's Benefit plus £10 extra a week because I was on the course.


It's better to have some money in your pocket then no money at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried making an appointment with the Human Resources Manager?


If you haven't then I suggest you telephone the company first and ask the receptionist the name of the manager. Make the excuse you want to send him some information so you'd like the correct name for his position in the company and the postal address. Next wait a few days and then phone up and say you would like an appointment with the manager. He may have a secretary.


If you get past that stage then you've got a better chance.


When you go for an interview make sure you're dressed smartly. Creases of clothes in the right place. If you're a guy wear a shirt and tie. There's no point going for a job dressed casually. First impressions always count, especially if the manager was in the army, navy, airforce, etc. MAKE sure your shoes a polished!


Make sure you take your cv/resume. If you've got some examples of the work you've done take them too. Don't carry this stuff in a carrier bag (remember first impressions count) use a file, briefcase, etc.


Always shake the hand of the person interviewing you when you meet them. Always use eye contact. Make sure you have a decent pen not a plastic one and make sure it's black ink just in case you have an application form to fill in that requires photocopying for another department.


Think of at least 3 questions you want to ask and please don't make one of them about money because he/she will think that's all you're interested in.


Always remember to be polite and thank he/she for their time. Shake their hand again.


Always make sure you arrive at the company in plenty of time because filling in application forms can take a long time, especially when you have a lot of qualifications to write in the boxes.



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Just hang in there, the only job you can't quit is your life, keep it thriving.


I have been looking for a job for over 3 mths, applied to over 30 positions. and i'm still looking.

i'm not stopping.


I know how you feel buddy. I was in it for 7 months. I started out slow, keeping diligent records of everyplace I applied. Then about month 4, I started applying to nearly any and every place I could see/find. Most were internet and mail apps. Whats funny is the job I got was the least inspired one. I was driving home and decided to stop in, I asked for the manager and just said (literaly) "I want a job", he turned around and a week later I was interviewed and another week later I was working. About 9 months after that I am interviewing for manager postions in the company, in my opinion, a major step up.

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