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another birthday post

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i see these all the time...man, i'm really struggling with today. it's his birthday, and for the last 6 years we've spent it together. the break up was about 8 months ago and i'm *still* reeling from it. i wonder if he'll even notice that i didn't contact him...arrrghhh, i just want to be over it. sorry to rant, i'm just aggravated with myself

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I just went through the same exact thing on April 19th. It was his birthday and we had been together for 6 years. That's 6 years of a pattern, which has been extremely difficult to break. You have more months under your belt than I do as we broke up 2 months ago. I still think that no matter what stage of healing a person is in (until they have completely moved on), it is hard to break patterns. I struggled just like you are, but know that it is another day for you to grow and heal. Keep yourself busy and do something nice for yourself.



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