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my poems


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ok i write poems a lot of the time, and thought i would put some of them on here to see what people think of them.


i will put one up for now just so u can see one and if any of u like it


ok this is my first one




This night was the best night eva,

it was heaven,

it was bliss.

just being with you made me happy,

talking to you made me happier,

being as crazy as we were made me exstatic.

tonight was just the best,

just us to, we are the best,

for the first time in ages i didn't give a f*** bout anyone,

as it was us two in a world for fun,

the s*** in my life flu from me like a thousand doves,

because you were here to hold me tight,

never once, did, did i think bout the hurt, the pain.

or that adrenaline that rushes through my body while im in the pain,

it was because of you,

your the best,

i wish we had seen each other more,

but now, yes now whats stopping us, we can just walk out the door,

lets do it again and again till we can no more,

come on yes come on lets walk out to each other,

through the door, at lease once more.

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