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OK, single on facebook. NOW WHAT?


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Ive just started going on NC and didn't do anything for the past week about the relationship status and pictures or anything. not myspace either.


my intention was to seem indifferent about that stuff and couldn't be bothered to change them.


but i was looking at my own profile and found out he removed himself from the relationship status thing.


im a bit angry and sad....angry because he beat me to doing it. sad because, its just plain sad to have that feeling of lost again...


now heres the question:


wut do i do now???? with my myspace stuff??? do i change my status, profile pictures, other pictures or anything (we have pictures together) do i remove them or not. i don't want to show that i care so much about the online stuff, but i don't want to give off a vibe that im still attached.




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When going the my last breakup after a few days we both changed the status on facebook, and after that I just avoided it. Facebook and Myspace are cool but they aren't worth it. Just stay away. If you need to, have a trusted friend change your password and tell them not to give it back to you until they are sure that you are completely over the breakup. It can be very dangerous to go on and look at old pictures or check for status updates on your ex.


For my current breakup, which is a different situation, I'm doing the same thing because I know how bad it can be (I learned from experience). Good luck, and stay strong with the NC, it's very difficult and there will be many times that you feel like breaking it, but it isn't worth it. Whenever you have urges to break NC just log on here and type out whatever you were going to say to your ex to everybody here instead of saying it to them.



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My ex got into facebook(after calling it stupid for months) a week after the breakup-added me-with "in relationship" in her status.(which two weeks afterwords was changed to In relationship with the guy she cheated on me with)


Personally I deleted a few pictures(my profile pic was me & her), but never went out of my way to change anything beyond single status. If I get into a dating relationship this summer...well I say i'll just take my relationship status out of it completely until i'm in somthing that last a few months,

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my myspace profile pic is with him , and maybe 1 or 2 more in the album with him . do i just change status and not pictures, or change status and remove those pictures and him from my top friend?


never thought myspace can become a pain...



isn't not doing anything the true NC tho? ...


im confused

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I wouldn't leave the profile picture with him, but that's just me. I would also be a * * * * * enough to join a group that says something along the lines of "princes don't exist".. but don't do that, LOL. It's probably childish but a nice thought lol.

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I don't use Face Book, But I feel strange on Myspace...I'm on it to make friends and keep in touch with people. I've watched friends go through break ups and they'd go outta their way to change their profiles and block their "loved one" or keep them around and try to make them jealous by adding, a bunch of "pretty girls/guys" to the top five or whatever... Hehe. But yeah. Personally, if it was a breakup and it went well I'd just change the status and get rid of the romantic pictures between us...I'd probably save them on my removable drive...Just cause I like to go back and look at my past... /shrugs.

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so i should have not done ANYTHING to my online accounts? not even log on to look at other ppl like MY friends? just quit it?


how bout disabling the account all together so he can't connect to me either?

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No, leave the account up because you want to be able to contact your friends, but at this point, just use other methods of contracting your friends because facebook/myspace will put you dangerously close to breaking NC and the temptation to 'just check their profile quick' will be eating away at you every time you do it. It's just not worth it. Also, if you just don't go on there then all of their attempts to contact you will not be to your knowledge. If you get an email from facebook saying that you have a message, just ignore it, fight the urge to read the message, because if they had anything worth saying to you they wouldn't be doing it through facebook or myspace, they would come talk to you or call you on the phone. Also, there is no need to block them from AIM, but I simply removed my ex's name from my buddylist so that I wasn't compulsively checking her AM every time I looked at her name.


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