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ture love


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But what does it mean, is it about you?
i wrote it to try to prove my girl friend i love her and i cant live with out her because she was going throw a hard time a few nights back,
You ok darling?
i guess you could say that im having a hard time right now in my life but im doing ok,
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I meant, life has its ups and its downs. Nothing is certain. I was quoting Elizabeth Lard: ''Life isn't all Sunsets and Apple orchids. But the sky is still there.''


It means that even tho bad stuff will inevitably happen, you can get by. IT is still a beautiful world. It may not feel like that now, but if anything did go wrong, you could still get by. You need to know that you'd be ok on your own. Even if you are happy now and feel there is nothing that could go wrong. You could take what you learned from her and move on, a stronger person. I'm not trying to make you worry, its great what you've got with her, but who you are is even greater.

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ya i know the world is still beautiful, if anything did go wrong and i lost her the world is still going to be there and as beautiful, i know i can make it on my own, its just nice to have her to keep me company and i dont mean that in a bad way. i know ur not trying to make me worrie,

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