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can you know someone too much?

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been with my bf for 3 years nearly, and we are so comfortable with eachother we can literaly be ourselfs, naked, farting, no makeup on, laugh, cry, everything you can think of we can do in front of eachother, for a whil eit was amazing that i could be that comfortable with someone. but recently im wondering whether its possible to know someone too much? i thought i wanted to spend the rest of my life in this secure relationship, now im having doubts, part of me wants to be free n play the field, i hate to say it but i feel we have become more best friends than anything else! we have both spoke about it and agree. as we dont have sex that often, its mainly my fault, its just not fun anyomre, and he doesnt seem to turn me on like he used to. what should i do? i want to make it work, i want to have fun again, i think we have slipped into the whole comfortable thing too much. opinions please! people say sex isnt evrything, but it definitely is something, and in a way plays a big part in making you bf and gf and not just friends who get on extremely well.

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Sounds like you two are acting more like friends and not lovers. Sure, you can do all that stuff with each other, but it isn't what I consider polite, mature stuff to do.


It sounds like your lack of sexual attraction is because he's fallen from being a mature adult, and you now sort of see him as more of a child. My personal philosophy is that a man has to act like a man, or a woman will see him as a boy.


That's a big leap, but ... that's my take on it.

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I'd say iit's pretty normal at 20 to want to be out having fun with alot of diff experiences. Maybe you both should do that and down the road you might decide you both want to be back with someone you can fart in front of.

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My husband and I were best friends before we started dating, and not a lot changed in that aspect of our relationship when we started dating. We're very comfortable with each other... my only boundary is that I won't let him see me going #2. I don't think it's caused any decrease in our romantic relationship - rather, being best friends and extremely open has enabled us to have the best communication possible, which is the essential cornerstone of any healthy relationship. We still have a very healthy and active sex life, perhaps with the natural decrease that comes with a lack of novelty - we've been married for 6 years.


You're probably just starting to grow apart. It may or may not have anything to do with your comfort level with each other, but if you have little or no sexual desire for him anymore, your relationship has fizzled out.

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I think maybe you are having the same complications as another member. here is the link to her situation:


I strongly believe passion is the key to every longterm relationship here is my advice I gave her:


"it sounds to me that maybe whats lacking in your relationship is passion. Anger is a form of passion and maybe you are wringing your relationship dry trying to suck out any last drop of passion from your guy. It happens to more couples than ya think. You guys may just be getting too comfortable after 4 years so spice it up a bit-take a vacation-do something new & exciting! He may be great and Im sure you are too so if you think all this might be is a lack of energy and passion then talk to him about it. It definitly seems like thats what it is and it explains why your sex drive is depreciating and why you keep picking fights with him. Goodluck.


Let us know how things end up."


maybe this was of some help to you....



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