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My friend's grandpa past away and im worried for her.

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My close friend's grandpa past away on monday. It's been really tough on her becuase they were extremely close and she knew that it was comeing becuase he was in the hospital for about a month. Now that he is died she randomly bursts into tears in the middle of class and says things that are really depressing. i say things like, "im so sorry to hear" and "that really stinks" i just dont know what to say. she is allways in tears and i dont know how to comfort her any more. i do hug het a lot but i feel like its not enough. i feel really bad for her. She also says things that are VERY intense like that she feels trapped in a bottomless pit that is pitch black dark and she cant get out. She usually is the most peppy person i have ever met. now she is distanced, doesnt eat much and hardly talks to her friends. i know it will take a very long time for her to get back on her feet im just worried and wish that there was something that i could do. any suggestions?

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First off, no offense but DONT say "That really stinks" EVER again! That will just make it worse, infact i'd get even more upset if someone said that to me. As far as saying youre sorry, thats the last thing people usually want to hear when they've lost someone. Just tell her that you're there for her if she needs to talk or cry on your shoulder and be supportive. Maybe buy her a small thinking of you card to let her know you care or just write her a small note. It's the little things that count.

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There isnt really much for you to say, besides just let her know that you are always there for her and if she ever needs anything just let you know. Be a shoulder for her to cry on and just listen thats all you can really do.


Or if you wanna help get her mind off things take her out for the day do something she enjoys doing

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