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Baby: Newborn umbilical cord care


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Ok, so I haven't been cleaning the stump with alcohol three times a day, maybe once is more like it. My baby is 7 days old today and at her one-week appt, I asked the doctor if I should be pulling the skin away from the cord and actually cleaning inside of the button folds. She told me YES, I should. So I did when I got home and it started bleeding. Not sure if the cord was trying to come off when I pulled at it and maybe, like a scab, I just pulled at it too forcefully and it pulled away from the flesh ORRRR if it's a sign of infection. The doctor saw it this morning (before I took "care" of it) and said no signs of infection, but I am curious what others might say in light of the fact that it started bleeding. Should I dab the blood off of it or leave it alone. My fear is that if I leave it alone, there is no air in that tight flesh junction and thus, the blood might sit there and irritate the skin and cause infection later. Should I call the doctor back?

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If it's just a couple of drops of blood, dab it up with a swab. The stump is basically a scab now and behaves largely as such. If you pick at it (or pull it a tad too much) it can bleed a little. There can be a little bit of blood when it falls off, which is generally somewhere between about a week and a half to two weeks.


It doesn't really sound like a big issue, just treat it carefully, make sure her clothing and diaper aren't aggravating it and keep it clean as the doctor says.


After the stumpt falls off it can still take a little while to completely heal over.

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Alchohol keeps the area sanitary and it's a drying agent. Pulling on the cord may make it bleed.. yes, like a scab. I never pulled on it but gently swabbed the area... and let nature take its course.


Please do call your doctor... so he is aware. its not a silly question. When its concerns your baby and your a new mother ... then there are no stupid questions and you are NOT bothering them. They are also there to educate you.

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Aw, what a sweetheart you are! I remember getting home and trying to clean my son's circumsicion wound and he started crying and I burst into tears because I thought I was a terrible mother. This time is so scary, isn't it? They really should come with instruction booklets.


I wouldn't worry if I were you. If the doctor said there were no signs of infection, believe him. My son's umbilical cord bled all the time. I wasn't rough or anything, that's just what happened. I had alcohol wipe things and I'd just kind of push the cord to the side (a tiny tiny bit) so alcohol would get underneath it. It healed perfectly.


I would keep an eye out for infection...if it's red or hot at all, then there's something to worry about. But it is bound to bleed. If it bleeds a LOT then I'd worry, but it's completely normal.

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You make me smile, Dilly!


If it only bled a little and then stopped immediately, I would continue the cleaning 3 times a day and just keep watch. I agree with everyone else that it does act as a scab. I too never pulled on it much. Just cleaned it and cleaned it and cleaned it. And wallaaa - Finally it fell off!


Let us know if you call the doctor and what they say.



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