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my brother's friend is my RA and its pissing me off!

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Hey guys,


I have a question. My brother's friend is my RA. Me and my brother don't get a long and we don't talk. For most of the semester I have been fake-nice to my brother (he is a real selfish and immature jerk) but over Easter break I told him I don't want to talk to him.


Anyway I guess that pissed him off.


Yesterday he was visiting his friend (who is my RA) and he knocked on my door to use my computer (for his friend, my RA.)


I opened the door a crack and said "what do you want"


he said "my friend needs to use you computer"


i said "no"


he said "shutup" and walked away.


The way I see it he insulted me in my hallway, when both him and his friend are RA for the dorm. If an RA insults me it makes me look really bad. At the same time he just made a fool out of himself.


Also my brother talks bad about my whole family to his friend (my RA) and when my mom was here, his friend was rude to her. He was sort of mocking her, he asked her if she was black (we are Arabic and English, the kid is Jewish, he meant it insultingly.)


So I feel like I should say something to the kid. I want to leave him a note and tell him that he's lucky I don't report him to his boss for the way he is behaving. But another part of me thinks him and my brother are sad losers who are making fools of themselves so there's no point.


If you don't know an RA is someone who gives advise to the people who live in the dorm and they get to live in the dorm for free.


It's his job to be nice to me, not entertain guests who insult me (when my brother is an RA also) or talk smart to my mother.


Let me know what you think.



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Me and my brother fight a lot. Anytime I do something involving him he acts like he doesn't care (because he's selfish) and it does not go well. He is in my family yes, and I love him, but I do not need to or want to see him everyday when we always fight.


The reason I told him I didn't want to talk to him is because my mother wanted me to drive his car home over break (instead of her driving here and picking me up.) My brother lost his driver's license due to a DUI so the car has been sitting here.


I started crying while talking to my mother and told her I do not want to involve myself with my brother, because I KNEW something would go wrong. She also wanted me to play phone-tag with him (to choreograph out trip home) and I objected to that also because my brother is really mean and condescending and I do not want to involve myself with him or have a long car ride with him.


So I told her I don't want to deal with my brother and I don't want to talk to him.


Incidentally my mom got me to drive the car home (as a favor to her) and when I went to pick it up noone was there and the keys were not in the car. (he was supposed to leave the keys in the car and the door unlocked... so I was right.) and I had to walk all the way back to my dorm and wait until 10 oclock at night for her to come pick me up.


My brother is selfish if he wasn't selfish he would have made sure things went right.







His friend was really nice to me before he was my RA. I like the friend which is why I haven't complained about him yet.


Also I feel like if I complain about him (or mention it to him) it will blow up the issue.


I just want them to know that they're unprofessional losers and I'm not so stupid that I think their behavior is ok.

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