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Hi , I was talking to my ex boyfriend today and he said somehting that has caught my curisoity and worried me alittle bit.


before i get right into this ill explain that we were together but broke up 4 mnths ago after i left for overseas. anyways he was syaing today that he tried calling his ex gf ( one before he met me ) today and we were chatting about this and he said he would like to get back with her , and i got mad at this saying why did he go out with me after they broke up if he was still in love with her??????? and he said that he wasnt and isnt still in love with her but would like to maybe give it a try seems it isnt going to happen between me and him again and , well , why not?, they are still friends and still get along so why not see her again and see if they would get back together,.........then i was saying well you must still be in love with her or have feelings for her and you should never have gone out with me but then he kept sayin it was fine and that it shouldnt matter and that he was very in love with me and very cut when couldnt work out and that he would even liek to even get back together with a gf from back in high schoo but it wouldnt happen...........so virtually hes just saying he would liek to just date them and see what happens etc cos it was good when they were together and even though their not still in love with one another they do have the potential....and also do it seems he hasnt got anything else, but should i be mad at this? should i feel like maybe he was always in love with his ex even when he was with me??????????? what are your ideas on this?

do you think its normal to still just care about an ex and stay friends with them and if your current relationship didnt work out maybe you would be tempted to date your ex again just to see what would come of it even if your not still in love with them?????????? pls help...........thanks

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Hi There Buckey


I think that it is immaterial what he thinks right now, and by the sounds of it, he is not thinking too clearly which is uinderstandable considering the circumstances. He may indeed believe that he loves his ex, in fact, he could possibly believe absolutely anything that made his longing for belonging and his dealing with rejection a distant issue in his mind.


The fact that he is saying it to you suggests that he may also be only doing it to show you and to get a reaction out of you - don't let him !! If he wants to play games after the relationship has ended, let him play - alone !! It's really that simple.


Other than that, try not to think about what he claims - it is unlikelyu to do you any good during your time of reovery.


Hope this helps you some,

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