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How Do I Rid of my horrible Scars?!!! i'll take any advice.

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about the scars.... i don't know...


but about the acne itself, you can buy various medicaments for the treatment, wether it be some stuff you put on overnight, or pills, most work quite well, that's what i was told......


another solution would be, go see a doctor, specialized on skin stuff, he'll get rid of all the acne professionally...

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I have dealt with scars for nearly ten years. My recommendation is to go to a dermatalogists and he/she can go over your options.


The bad news is your scars will never go away 100%, the good news is you can minimize them.


I have recently done a medium chemical peel and that has helped also injections of a chemical somewhat like botox.


depending on how deep your scars are, you have various options. The bad part is that none of these procedures are covered by insurance and that most cost alot.


However, it is important that what ever procedure you choose, you go to a licencensed professional. You can research that on the web.


Hope this helps

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I can't really help with the scars you already have, (plus, the others answered that) but for future reference, Don't pop, touch, poke, your zits/pimples. It makes scars etc.

Putting ice on zits helps make them smaller and then you should use astringent and face wash.



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First thing dont squeeze zits, it forces the bacteria deeper in the skin and you get 2 or 3 more!!


to treat scars, look into these two products: Elicina and Maderma.

both products are natural and over the counter, Maderma is new, used for acne and stretch marks etc. available drugstores without a prescription.


Elicina is harder to find, look on E-bay, but I believe its a better product in that it also treats acne and scars. its a product from Peru. its also good for burn scars and wrinkles.


Soap and Dairy seem to agrevate acne, believe it or not, a really good and cheap soap to use is "Camp Soap" its a biodegradeble liquid soap, found in sporting goods area of your local department store, believe me, it really makes a difference because it doesnt clog pores like regular soap can.

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