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Question about fingering and all that...


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I got fingered for the first time by my boyfriend 4 days ago, it was really unexpected..I didn't think it was going to happen so I didn't prepare and shave properly. I usually shave it all off, but since I wasn't expecting it, I didn't bother...now I'm freaked out that my boyfriend thought it was gross that i was all hairy and stuff...i cant stop thinking and worrying about it!


I don't really know what im asking, i guess how do i stop worrying or do you think he was really grossed out?

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I may sound like an old dodger saying this but, here it goes...


Back in my day no one ever shaved their hey-nanani as it was natural. So I guess what i am saying is don't worry about it because as someone else said on this thread he was probably happy to just be down there in the first place.



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Yeah really forget about it. Chances are he was nervous and that was the last thing he is thinking about. What he is thinking about is how much he wants to do it again. Trust me!


yeah, the hair was probably the last thing on his mind, he was probably just so happy to be there with you.


it also leaves more of a surprise for next time if that's what you want

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