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How long where you and your ex apart until you got back together?


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But what I'm afraid of is, if we continue to hold out hope in any way of their return, we avoid not moving on and if thats the case, how do you ever truly begin a new relationship? I mean imagine being with someone, and your secretly still wishing you had your ex back? I know thats what Id be doing now, so I know I am nowhere near ready to even think of dating.

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well, i think there's a difference between hoping and expecting... i also hope that i'll win the lottery, but i certainly don't plan my life around it! and i think that when i meet the "right" person the hope i do have will fade b/c the new guy will be so much better that i wouldn't want the ex back anyway! at least that's what i like to think!

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well, i think there's a difference between hoping and expecting... i also hope that i'll win the lottery, but i certainly don't plan my life around it! and i think that when i meet the "right" person the hope i do have will fade b/c the new guy will be so much better that i wouldn't want the ex back anyway! at least that's what i like to think!


Couldn't have said it better

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I believe you can have hope but still move on with your life. I interpret "hoping to reconcile with the ex" the same as I interpret "I hope one day I buy a corvette" either one can happen and if and when it does I will be in a better position in my life to accept it. It's what you do in the between time that's going to make the BIG difference.


Using the example of the "corvette", If I really, truly want to buy a corvette do you think I'd be sitting in my room crying and hoping that a corvette shows up in my drive way??? No, of course not!!! You have to go out and work towards what you want in order to get what you want.


Now this in no way means to go out and start talking to your ex and begging her back, that's just as bad as going to a chevy dealer and sitting in the drivers seat at the same time being jobless..... ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!


It's ALL ABOUT the work you do in the "Between" time that makes your future a success and gives you the GREATEST chance at getting what you want....even your ex!!!!! You make yourself 100% again, confident, appealing...in other words attractive (emotionally and physically) you can't go wrong and will not go wrong... If she comes back you'll be a new person, if she doesn't then guess what..... The next girl will be drooling at the mouth (LOL, ok maybe not drooling, how bout tongue dragging on the floor cause you look good and act good)....over the man you've become and you're ex is now the one that lost...!!!!!......


Don't try to fix something that you can't fix "rightnow" with your ex, Fix what you can and that is YOU!!!!!


Tha Gipp

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