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Have you ever blocked someone?


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I've recently blocked someone from my email and IM. Does this help, or make you feel stupid?


Everytime I log on, it takes EVERYTHING I have to NOT unblock him.


He doesn't call, which leads me to believe he is done...


It's a catch 22. I want things to work out, but I know they won't so I want to move on....



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Ok, I am hoping I will forget that they are blocked, and overtime forget about them entirely. On Yahoo, you can them on as well. I just deleted EVERYTHING about him. Threw all of his garbage out of my house....so, now it's up to me, and get a swinging life that he has....


God, this sucks. He is a jerk.

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Ok, I am hoping I will forget that they are blocked, and overtime forget about them entirely. On Yahoo, you can them on as well. I just deleted EVERYTHING about him. Threw all of his garbage out of my house....so, now it's up to me, and get a swinging life that he has....


God, this sucks. He is a jerk.


Smart girl. I wish you the best of luck!!!

question...can they tell if you've blocked them?????

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I don't know...good question.


Can someone tell they are being blocked?


I am thinking of having IT block him from my work computer, and he will receive a "bounce back", but that might be going a little too far. I don't want IT involved in my personal business.

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I don't know...good question.


Can someone tell they are being blocked?


I am thinking of having IT block him from my work computer, and he will receive a "bounce back", but that might be going a little too far. I don't want IT involved in my personal business.


no they cannot tell... to them it will just look like you are offline.. If you really hate him that much, don't just block him.. delete him!

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Delete him. I did and it was the smartest move I could have made. I thought it would be the hardest thing ever, that I'd add him back on, but it's been a month now and aside from the occasional mild pang I haven't regretted it.


I feel like it freed me because I had started to feel silly..."mooning" after that little green man with a no entry sign over it! One less thing to obssess over.

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You may be able to set up a rule in your email program to delete his emails or bounce them back to him without involving IT.


It sounds like you really are best to remove him from your IM contact lists entirely. If he tries to contact you again and you are against that I believe most IM programs will let you put him on a list so you don't even see his attempts.


To address the initial question, it is not at all unusual to block, ban or delete people from IM and email programs for various reasons. It's totally your call (unless required as part of your job which this doesn't sound like it is). Don't fell bad, guilty or silly. Just do what you need to do in this case to give yourself your sense of privacy from him, and also to remove any temptations it that's what you're feeling. No harm at all in removing a temptation by a conscious thought ahead of time.

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i blocked an ex a few years ago. he made me so disgusted i had to. so i blocked him from IM, never took his calls, and blocked him from my email. it was wonderful!!


he eventually got a hold of me by finding out where i was, calling my parents to apologize for everything he had done to me, asking them to give me his number so i could call and work things out.


i did call... got some closure. he wanted me back, but it was far too late.

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I just tossed my cards on the table the other night with my ex. She blew me off so I told her how I felt and informed her I was going to block/delete her. She would play IM games with me. When I signed on she would sign off real fast or when I came back from Idle she would take her away message off. I got tired of seeing that stuff anyway. I have a feeling she thinks I will be back but i left on too high of note to go back now.

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Hi Cassie -


You are right. I can't keep up with all this crap. I don't have a my space, because it's tempting to read the ex's. I have Friendster, but I'm thinking of taking it down, for that reason.


I am 99.9% positive that the ex is now gone. Now that I have come to terms with it, and know that he is NEVER coming back..now, it's time for me to get a grip and come to terms.


Blocking will help me mentally. I deleted, him, but he would be able to send me IM's with him BEING deleted, so I just blocked him from everything I could think of.


I just wish I knew how to do a "bounce back", so he could get the hint...

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only problem with blocking someone on msn is that you can still see if they are online..


Exactly! lol I have blocked my ex, but I can still see his name when he is online, and it still churns me up. I am thinking I will delete him altogether

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Blocking from IM, blocking emails, deleting phone numbers from your cell (not just your ex's but their friends' too if they weren't mutual) - all those things are not only practically useful 'cos you won't hear from them; they're also really powerful and empowering psychologically.


I had something like 500 text messages from my ex stored up on my phone. I well remember the feeling I got when I pressed the 'delete all messages' button and watched that little bar creep up with all those memories, all those little words of love disappear: did I feel sad or nostalgic? No: I felt great, like I was taking control. These little steps are ways of proving to ourselves we're serious about getting over, and not hanging on for, our useless exes who've made us feel so terrible.


Normally the doubts we feel are because we're taking that leap into the unknown region of 'letting go'. Just block him BeachChick, you won't regret it.


And Cassie: a truer thing was never said about modern breakups. The internet's given us 'enotalone' I guess; but I reckon a good deal of these heartbroken posts wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the evils of myspace, facebook, etc. To be able to check up on someone's life at the click of a button - far far too much temptation for someone still desperate to know what an ex is thinking, but the last possible thing that's going to help. Grrr.

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I just have to say, that I am so proud of myself for NOT checking out my ex's my space, or Friendster, and blocking his IM, Emails, etc. for 8 days....


A habit is crated in 21 days...so when I reach 21, I know that there is no going back.


He hasn't bothered to contact me, which is fine, and I wouldn't know anyway, because he is blocked...!!

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