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How to handle an anniversery (Especially the first one after the breakup)

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Hello everyone, tomorrow is a very tough day for me, as it would have marked our 2nd year of being together officially. This is the first time I have to face this since we broke up and I know that its going to be tough but I was just wondering how people handled days like this. I also have next month the anniversery of our breakup which may be just as tough to deal with.

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Make sure you have something fun that doesn`t remind you of your ex on that day. I was distracted from my old wedding anniversary awhile back by having a fun date with a new guy (still going strong!)


Also, try not to think about anniversaries (breakup, first date, etc). Its in the past right? Purge those dates from your mind! If you think about it constantly ("today would have been the day we celebrated our first date..." or "We broke up today..." blah blah blah), then you WILL feel sad about the day. If you find yourself thinking of anniversaries, just stop. ("No, it is over. It is now just another day. What shall I do that day that will make me happy instead?")

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In a couple of months would have been my 5 year anniversary with the ex and also a year since our breakup. So I really cant speak from personal experience. But my advice, and I know it sounds hard, is to try and to put any significance on either dates. Try to go on as if it was just like any other day. Surround yourself with friends and family, go out, do anything you can that will keep your mind and thoughts from drifting to thinking about the ex.


I wish you the best iceman, and know that your aren't alone.

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