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It's been 45 days of no contact...I can't believe it

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I haven't been thinking of the ex much lately, but I decided to just count the days to see how long it's actually been. To my surprise it's been 45 days since I last talked to her. The last time I did talk to her was during our break up phone call. She's sent me messages through other people but I haven't actually responded or talked to her directly. I just can't believe how quickly the time has flied. I also can't believe that neither of us have broken down and called the other. It's crazy.


The only time I saw her was during a tour on my college campus...she was in my group but I never made direct contact with her.


I never thought I'd reach this point, but I think I'm over her. I don't need her in my life anymore and I feel great being single. I think if she had stayed with me I'd still be this sorry person who follows her every command and has no time for himself. I've realized that it's not bad being single at all. You have all the time in the world for yourself now. It's awesome.


If she ever comes back I'd consider being a friend, but nothing more. I love myself for once in my life.

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WOW !!!! Great Post !! Isn't it amazing how you can heal yourself ? You should really be proud of what you have done. I think the most important thing you said in your post was ...... " I love myself for once in my life". Don't ever forget that. You have my sincere congratulations and best wishes.



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WOW !!!! Great Post !! Isn't it amazing how you can heal yourself ? You should really be proud of what you have done. I think the most important thing you said in your post was ...... " I love myself for once in my life". Don't ever forget that. You have my sincere congratulations and best wishes.




Yeah...I really never thought I'd reach this point. A few months ago I was having suicidal thoughts and nearly went through with it. I'm so glad I didn't.

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