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Anti- Depressants

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Hi everyone out there, just a quick question, i'm heartbroken at the moment and was wondering if anyone had taken anti-depressants in there moment of need? and if they actually did any good. Feel that i need something and dont know where to turn. Thanks for listerning. X:sad:

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I used to take anti-depressants in high school and they did good for me. It takes a lot of trial and error on what kind of medication work for you. Some people's bodies react differently to certain anti-depressants than others and some anti-depressants work differently with certain people. Anyway, see what works for you.

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I'm bipolar, so I've not only been on antidepressives, but the whole mood control drug coctail...



Never really worked for me.



And the withdrawal was AWFULL!!! The first time I was on medication I wasn't able to tell which drug had caused me the withdrawal, second time I found out it was the antidepressive.

In fact, the second time I had to keep taking the antidepressive for a whole month longer than I wanted to, because it was so bad that I had to schedule time off work, just to do bedtime. The widthrawal was that bad, about 5 days to be able to continue with my normal life (took a week off work), but I had some symptoms for 3-4 months.



So, as you can tell, I had such a terrible experience with them, that there is no way in hell I'm taking them again...




There is always a but. It was quite possitive for me, as I learned how to cope without them, and now I'm doing WAY better than the best I did when I was taking them.

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Hi everyone out there, just a quick question, i'm heartbroken at the moment and was wondering if anyone had taken anti-depressants in there moment of need? and if they actually did any good. Feel that i need something and dont know where to turn. Thanks for listerning. X


By they way, they are not magical pills and take some time to work. Don't rely on them to help you cope with what you should be able to cope by yourself.


Being heartbroken is not the same as being clinicaly depressed, the former is a temporary condition that people can dea l with, the later is not.


In your case, therapy would be way more effective than drugs.

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What type of therapy are we talking about? Have been to the doctors today and he's prescribed 50mg seratline, really dont want to go there but feel so low it's incredible. I feel such a fool for feeling so weak over a woman, but she's grabbed my heart and it's now so screwed up. I have been a strong person all my life, but obviously that was'nt how it was on the inside.

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Funny you should post bout this.


Today I went to see the doctor about getting a prescription for antidepressants.


I said that I wanted them temporarily to cope with a few things that have been happening recently (Failing school, cat died, grandpa diagnosed with cancer, parental problems, apathetic attitude etc.)

and he basically said antidepressants arent generally the answer. They do have side effects, and screw up your sleep because you don't get enough REM sleep.


I know some people have said they've worked well, but we all go through heartbreak, and although it can be very hard to deal with, antidepressants aren't the solution. Getting over something like heartbreak is better to be dealt with by friends/family, or a psychologist. Most school's have one that you should be able to talk to.



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yes... they absolutely helped... the first thing i did after the breakup was visit my family doctor... i knew i needed something... after trying several different kinds, i settled on cymbalta (60 mgs)... some people take two different brands together... you have to give it a try, but they do work!... the one thing they do is allow you to think more clearly... hope this helps...

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They do have side effects, and screw up your sleep because you don't get enough REM sleep.



I have to disagree with this sentence. Anti-depressants CAN cause side effects, but for many they won't. And as for the sleep part, I sleep great.


You do make some valid points in the rest of your post though, please don't take this as criticism. I just would hate someone to get scared away from taking prescribed medication, that could help them a great deal, just for fear of the side effects which may never materialise.

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i've been on zoloft 100mg for 6 years along w/therapy, i have have problems w/ depression for years d/t a bad childhood and multiple failed relationships. depression also runs in families, as it does mine, so it can be hereditary. the meds help take the edge off and therapy is awesome. i'd recommend it to anyone who has gone thru a breakup. you need to get all the feelings out or at least pick a trusted person to talk to . don't keep things bottled up because i'm here to tell you it WILL come back and bite you in the butt. all unresolved feelings do come back, no matter how much you push them down. and each time you push them down, when they come back it hurts more. so deal w/then as they come and you won't be stuck in suffering. yes, it really really sucks, better to get it done now than to drag it out like i used to.


the side effects of the meds usually wear of after a month or so. if not, try taking them w/ food or different times of the day to reach a balance. it takes about 4-6 weeks for a med to fully kick in so you have to give it time. and yes, some people it takes a few medds to see what works or a combination of meds, each person's body is unique in how they respond to meds. i'm also an RN so i know this stuff backwards. hope this helps someone!! Please, don't delay in geting yourself help. I went thru a period of 2 years where i wanted to die each and everyday. it feel like someone had scooped out my soul and poured raw sewage into it. You DO NOT want to go there!! don't be too proud to ask for a help!!! You owe it to yourself. depression is so common and very treatable. 1 in 4 people have depression. IT IS NOT A SOCIAL STIGMA!!! you are not weird or unstable if you have depression.

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Being upset over a break up is not depression. Depression is a long term state.


You need to deal with your emotions and not wisp them away with a pill.

If you really focus on getting thru this, you will most likely work things out on your own before the medication would have time to be effective.


I've been on anti-depressants for about 12 years because of chemical imbalances and not so much emotional reasons. I've had to change 4 times, each time means a period of adjustment to the medication. The average antidepressant will take 4-6 weeks before a real effect is felt. There are also with drawl symptoms associated with most medication, stopping cold is never a good idea considering the serious nature of the chemicals involved in your body.

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I am on 25mg of seratline and it worked great, at first. I need to up my dosage, but don't want to. I take it for anxiety, and not depression. I was having severe anxiety attacks after the break up, and this was a great way to control my emotions better. Before I was overwhelmed with emotion, and had no idea what was going on.


Honestly, the best medication for me has been Monster energy drinks. It makes me feel amazing. Meds aren't the answer, but they help you get through the rough parts a little easier.

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I came to this topic and thought it is going to introduce replacments for drugs.


I am really in a bad condition, and been dumped several times,

I have started smoking, (and If I could I may spent all my day drinking)


I am not used to pills of any kind.

will you help me with any other antidepressants? ( I meant "not pills")

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I came to this topic and thought it is going to introduce replacments for drugs.


I am really in a bad condition, and been dumped several times,

I have started smoking, (and If I could I may spent all my day drinking)


I am not used to pills of any kind.

will you help me with any other antidepressants? ( I meant "not pills")

Cigarettes are drugs, nicotine is one of the most addictive substances know to exist. Alcohol is no better, alcohol is a depressant so it will only make symptoms worse.

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Yes. I am taking them. I went on them seven days after my husband told me he was leaving. The first kind was brutal, and I reacted terribly to them, but I switched and the new ones are helpful. I still feel sad when I dwell on what is happening to my life, but I can function, laugh at something funny, concentrate and keep up a good mood, appearance etc. I can concetrate on the future and have hope. That is enough for now.

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I started taking them about a week ago. I too felt weak/dumb for letting some guy break my heart so bad. After 2 months of not being able to function and not being able to move on I knew I needed some help too. I hate to take pills but was getting scared for myself. I think I've just had so much stress for the last 2 years that my heartbreak was just the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. So I went to the doctor to ask for mainly counseling, but after talking to her for 10 minutes she started me on Zoloft. Haven't noticed any trouble sleeping....I know it won't magically make the heartache go away, but I'm hoping it gets me back to being me so I can have the strength to deal with and get past it.

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if you have high cholestral and you cant, after following all the natural courses, get it down, you take cholestral lowering meds... if you have high blood pressure, you take meds to control that also... so how is it that if you have depression, you dont see it as a medical condition and treat it with drugs?... i dont understand... depression, in any form, is a MEDICAL condition, now realized by insurance companies... it is NOT a problem that just affects individuals on a whim... it is an imbalance in your brain... as ive said before in my posts, i tried alot of anti depressants until i found the one that works best for me... no, it wasnt fun, but it was well worth it... if for any reason you find that the medication that you are trying doesnt work (aside from the two weeks of maybe not sleeping, dry mouth, etc. etc), please tell your doctor and try another, maybe in combination with another anti-depressant... wellbutrin helps you to stop smoking and also helps you not want to drink alcohol... it also helps you get some energy to move off your butt when you are so drained from depression that you cant see straight... each anti depressant works with each individual differently... zoloft, paxil, lexapro and effixir did not work for me... after the appropriate two weeks, they didnt work for me... i was still overly depressed and had terrible side effects... cymbalta did work and as much as i didnt want to up them from 30 mgs., my doctor recommended that i take 60 mgs and believe me, it helped tremendously!... now dont get me wrong... i dont walk around laughing my head off and i dont have a continual smile on my face, lol, but i am able to function better, think better and have less confusion... they allow you to think more clearly... dont ask me how, but they do... ive seen complete changes in personality, not only in myself, but in others that have been put on anti-depressants... please stop stigmitizing them... they are there for your general well being... why be in mental anguish when you can at least relieve some of it?... also... get to a therapist asap... i have no health insurance and yet i was able to find a free clinic in my area after looking into it... im going to assume all towns and counties have that for their citizens... you pay for it with your taxes... why not take advantage of it?... dont be ashamed... in fact, you dont even have to tell anyone if you dont want to... do it for yourself!!!!!....

God bless... beebee

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Being upset over a break up is not depression. Depression is a long term state.


You need to deal with your emotions and not wisp them away with a pill.

If you really focus on getting thru this, you will most likely work things out on your own before the medication would have time to be effective.


I've been on anti-depressants for about 12 years because of chemical imbalances and not so much emotional reasons. I've had to change 4 times, each time means a period of adjustment to the medication. The average antidepressant will take 4-6 weeks before a real effect is felt. There are also with drawl symptoms associated with most medication, stopping cold is never a good idea considering the serious nature of the chemicals involved in your body.


I have similar experiences and FULLY agree with this post. I wrote a post but changed my mind about putting it here. It pretty much came down to the following:


Depression is a disease, a consequence of chemical imbalances. Antidepressants will help the body have a better balance in the relevant neurotransmitters.


Feeling depressed after a break up is a universal feeling, and it sucks, but it is NOT the same as suffering depressions.


I doubt that you'd actually benefit from meds, I have been on and off them for the last 7 years (had episodes of major depression/anxiety since I was 13 or so). It takes 6 weeks to get used to them, they have very nasty side effects, and the withdrawal if you quit them is horrible for most types of AD. I just finished another 'round' of Efexor of 8 months, and still feel the physical withdrawal after 3 weeks. It is NOT like taking an aspirin to kill the pain. It's to treat a disease that most people who do suffer from it, have for the biggest part of their lives (in episodes or even constantly, unipolar or bipolar, etc.)



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Why not try some sessions with a therapist? That's what I'm doing and it has helped me SO MUCH! I don't think I would be getting through this without him. He's given me so much insight, is very caring but challenges me too. Has given me lots of books to read and this awesome CD set called the 4 agreements. He would also be able to tell you if anti-depressants for a few weeks would be helpful to you or not. I have been on anti-depressants for years now because I have suffered from depression my entire life. They are a Godsend!!!! I don't have any side effects and sleep normally. What my Dr. did was boost the milligrams on my pills for the last 2 months or so which has also helped tremendously.

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