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I need some advice(we do a lot of talking online, a bit by phone...met once)

Richie Rocks

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Hmm...I was told to take her to Subway and go in for the kiss.


Is this a thing I should do? Kiss on second time going out with her? She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would like to be kissed right then...but maybe that's where I'm wrong...I don't know.


Stop thinking about it. Concentrate on having a good time with her. Concentrate on ENJOYING YOURSELF.


Look for indicators that tell you she wants to be kissed. She touches you alot, she smiles alot, she plays with her hair, she gets really close to you.


Touch her, to test her. Touch her elbows, her shoulders, her hair..if she lets, you without resistance and enjoys it, she likes you.


Finally, and I love doing this: kiss her on the cheek. Better yet, if you make her laugh, say "Wow, I am pretty funny, I deserve a kiss" and point to your cheek as if she HAS TO give you a kiss....if things are going well, she will.


All this is to get her prepped up for the real kiss...the touching, the flirting...it seems natural afterwards to really kiss her!


When its time, make sure there aren't any or alot of people around and choos e a time when she is close to you and you feel a connection, look at her, sort of smile and and pull her in, say "I had a nice time" and kiss her on the cheek then slowly move in towards the lip.


Good luck.

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