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Divorced now and hurting!


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It's actually 10 years? Wow, I really did dodge a bullet there, because we were going to apply for the CR-1 visa that comes with the green card. Whew! The divorce was finalized last month (thankfully divorce laws are fairly loose in his country and my ex cooperated), so there's nothing he could do, even if he wanted to.


Take care and best of luck to you, Tony.

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  • 11 months later...

This nightmare refuses to end. A few weeks ago I saw one of my ex's girl friends and did she unload on me about my ex and everything concerning our D-V and divorce hearings. She told me that my ex is still married to her husband in Asia. That they both planned on trying to ruin me financially or some other American sucker. This woman told me that my ex's attorney schooled her on what to say in court and promised her if she did things the way he said she could take half of my assets in a divorce hearing or at least $50,000. This was the 1st figure her scum bag attorney threw up in my face before the court hearing. She continued to tell me that my ex's attorney told her not to worry about his fee that I would be forced to pay his fee of $4,000. When they got nothing this thug attorney went after her for the $4000. When I had my second false charge brought against me by her and her make believe husband she asked for $4000. They staged this 2nd folly to get me to pay off her attorney's fee.

The 2nd American man she married to try and have a sponsor for the Green Card really abused her. He used her for a punching bag. This woman told me there where times she never had any food in her home and she was forced to shoplift at stores and prostitute herself off to be able to eat. This crazy man has applied for a visa for her to comeback to the US as his wife on the C-130 Marriage visa. Why this nut has not been locked up is beyond my understanding. The Feds and local police know all about his actions in my case.

She then dropped a bomb on me when she told me that my 1st attorney was in complicity with my ex-wife's attorney. In my opinion it was not to get the Green Card for my ex but to try and get a large cash settlement out of me. My attorney during my court hearings was in serious financial trouble. He had tax liens on him and was being sued for $14,000. The 2 attorneys made a deal that they would split the settlement between them and leave my ex out of it or give her a few dollars. Since she did not understand English very well this seemed like a no brainier. I did not pay anything out to her. My cowardly attorney did try repeatedly to have me pay her off and be done with her. I refused to give in her anything. My attorney did everything he could to aid and abet my ex's attorney. He only stopped doing this after I went to the FBI and ICE. When I hired my second attorney he went and got all the court transcripts from our D-V hearings. There in black and white you can see where she changed the story around to accusing me if waving gun at her. In her initial filing complaint testimony a gun was never brought up. All my 1st attorney had to do was get the transcripts and we could have got everyone involved with this thrown in jail.

My attorney was personal friend of mine for 20 years. I never knew anything about his professional life. Never have an attorney who is a coward defend you. How can a coward defend you? A coward stands for nothing therefore they will fall for anything.

This happened nearly 4 years ago and I wonder if I can go after these two low life's? My ex's attorney is allegedly involved in all kinds of criminal activity and his law office is just a front to cover his illegal activities.

I also found out that my attorney has a real bad reputation of being very lazy, in complicity with the opposing attorneys and taking his clients money and not properly representing his clients once he has their money.

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Man it sounds like you have been around the block with this woman. She is deported now and back in her country and she still haunts you. She had this all planned out to hurt you before she ever came her to the US.

I married an Immigrant woman as well. I got very lucky. She is a fine woman and a very good wife.

You are not the 1st man to be fooled and taken by someone like her.

As far as the attorneys go I would report them to the State Bar Association of your state, the FBI and the local police. If this woman would testify in court what she told you they are going to prison. Plus they will never be allowed to practice law again in the US. There are court records on your attorney concerning his tax liens and law suits as well. This is public knowledge. I am sure your ex-wife attorney is well known by the law for his illegal activities this maybe the chance the cops need to nail this guy. As far as her stand in husband he could wind up in jail as well. Or become a star witness for the prosecutor. Attorney Complicity, Extortion and Visa fraud are felonies.

I wish you luck whatever you do.

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