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Were there signs in the proposal?

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I'm not divorced but I was common law & engaged.

I knew the morning of the proposal, it wasn't right. it was in the living room, he carried my son in who carried the ring. He wasn't even dressed or brushed his hair. he said nothing besides will you marry me. I said yes cause I thought it was what i wanted (keep our family together). I asked him later that day why he did it? he said, God damnit women, I gave you a ring isn't that enough.I wanted to cry...this was not how I pictured my proposal & life. And I knew in my heart it was all wrong...but yet it took me 6 months after to believe it will never be right & call it off & get the courage to leave. So yes, there were signs in the proposal.


It's been 3 years. A few months ago my bf proposed, he took me for a walk by the river during a sunset, sat me on the edge of a water fountain & got on his knee & said the right words. It was perfect. he knew my hearts desire, without me speaking a word. He's the one.

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These are interesting stories. I can't imagine agreeing to marry while considering backing out later..


I proposed and she agreed, and we got married. I had no doubts.

Like SL, I'm never doing it again.

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There are two Certainties in this life... death and taxes.


You collect the data... analyze it... and make your decisions based on the knowledge and life experiences you have at that moment. Then you roll the dice and see how it goes.


love it. heard that before. LOL

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