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sent goodbye email, he's trying to contact

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So, I did send him an email. I was much more straight-forward and less angry than the one I posted here. It was basically telling him goodbye for good. He sent me a text a few hours later saying, "If your intention was to hurt me you succeeded. I STILL hope for reconciliation on some level. I can't take anymore today so I'm turning off my phone now." (I was not planning on calling or responding, however)


Then first thing this morning he texts me, "Why?" I don't respond. Ten minutes later he writes, "Why you would INTENTIONALLY say such hurtful things is beyond me." Again I don't respond.


Just now, he writes again, "Well at least your last words seem to rest well with you."


In my letter I called him out on some major character issues, explaining how his dishonesty hurt me. I said it made me sad to think of the times we shared because I don't believe him to have been real with me. I said I can't let him hurt me anymore. I never called him names, did not swear... it was somber, honest, and blunt. He just has never had anyone call him out before. It hurts, but I am through contacting him.


NC starts for real today... perhaps indefinitely.

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Good for you Sunday. I tried to clear things up with my ex yesterday and got ignored. I feel better tho b/c I said what I had to. You will too. You seem like a great girl. Much to good for that kind of thing. We will both meet someone who deserves us. Knowing there are girls around my age out there like you who are single gives me hope.

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I read your post yesterday ..so i have general idea of what went on based on your email.


Most of the time when you call someone on their crap they dont like it... and they come back with either attacking you ..or they play the victim role.


which is what it sounds like he is doing.


don't let it get to you.. if your ONE email hurt him .... after ALL the stuff he did to you? oh please. He's a big boy he can handle it.


Take care of you right now.

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thank you, dubb...we will find someone who will love us the way we need to be loved someday


Yeah we will! I think i needed this breakup. It woke me up to a lot of things. I know what I want in a person now. I hope you see that too. Nobody is perfect but some things are unexceptable. HOLLA!!!

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so he kept trying today to guilt me into contacting him. when i wouldnt reply, he said, "Nothing?" no response.


a few hours later he texts, "so you are completely ignoring me?" no response. 15 min later he writes, "awesome."


then, his friend told him i can't talk today because i was also going through a family emergency (which was true). so the ex sends, "i just heard about your family. i will be praying for you, keep me posted."


no response.

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Is this just not Ignorance !


Forgive me, I didn't read your previous post. But no matter, is this just not ignorance ? NO ONE deserves to be ignored..... How would you feel if someone ignored you ?


We have all been in hurtfull relationships, we have been there when someone has mis treat us, disrespected us. BUT that is them not you !


Are you an ignorant person ! If not then at least answer others with openness and honesty. .... Not ignorance. This reflects badly on you.


Treat others how you would like them to treat you. Even if they do not do that, you are better than they by doing this.

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Is this just not Ignorance !


Forgive me, I didn't read your previous post. But no matter, is this just not ignorance ? NO ONE deserves to be ignored..... How would you feel if someone ignored you ?


We have all been in hurtfull relationships, we have been there when someone has mis treat us, disrespected us. BUT that is them not you !


Are you an ignorant person ! If not then at least answer others with openness and honesty. .... Not ignorance. This reflects badly on you.


Treat others how you would like them to treat you. Even if they do not do that, you are better than they by doing this.


she's ignoring because she is in NC with her ex. IMO i think he needs to respect her wishes and not contact her.


she owes him nothing. IMO.


(you should read her other posts and maybe you'll get a better understanding)



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no offense, 4answers, but i believe it is more ignorant to reply to this before reading the history behind it.


i loved my ex very much. he lied to me and hurt me. i wanted to meet in person to say what i needed to and let him go but he refused to meet with me. i sent him an email explaining everything from my perspective and outlining why i felt the way i did.


he is only trying to reach me so he can defend himself and make himself feel better about being manipulative to me. i am not interested.

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to be completely honest though...


this morning i have struggled with sending him a text that says, "thank you for your concern, but you do not need to worry about me anymore. i meant everything i said in my email. the intention was not to hurt but to be honest...the truth hurts me, too. unless you want to openly and honestly discuss anything in person, please leave me alone."

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to be completely honest though...


this morning i have struggled with sending him a text that says, "thank you for your concern, but you do not need to worry about me anymore. i meant everything i said in my email. the intention was not to hurt but to be honest...the truth hurts me, too. unless you want to openly and honestly discuss anything in person, please leave me alone."



It don't help. You will only hurt more. If he really wanted you back he would say it. My ex strung me along for 4 months and has just finally cut the cord on me. Don't put yourself through anymore pain. I am hurting today b/c I didn't walk away earlier.

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in your last email to him ..did you explain that you wanted to be left alone?


if you did..then i dont think you need to re-explain yourself.


If you respond..then he will respond... then you will respond..then he will respond and before you know you are arguing over things that ..well.... just are.


i think your best bet at this point is to stay in NC.


You owe him NOTHING. You don't have to explain yourself.. you already did.


If he wants to keep contacting you.... and it bothers you ..and you are left with this feeling of "to respond or not respond"... maybe you should change your number? ( i had to to do the same thing msyelf at one point).

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eh... my bad. i did not tell him to not contact me in my email. i should have! but if everything i wrote in my email is true (and i believe it is), then there really should be no question in how i feel. i ended it with "goodbye, hope you find what you're looking for" that sounds like closure enough.

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