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A class. A guy. A very cliche question.


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Transparency in this matter is crucial so there are no wrong signal sent out between the three of you. I'd suggest you remain authentic with her by acknowledging the fact that you both have a little attraction to this guy. Then she's aware that he's fair game and may the best competitor win. The only reason to keep this from her is to eliminate the competition which will read by all parties involved as an insecurity in your confidence to attract a man. Follow the "Golden Rule" and do the right thing in this situation. This will show him how caring you are to fair play and character.


Oh, BTW, by doing this then it'll be a lot easier to ask him out for coffee with her in your presense. There will be no awkward moments and you're all behaving as adults should.

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Is there an excuse for which you could get his number (studying together or something), and then you could call him up and ask him out?


Or could you ask him to e-mail you something (notes??), so then you could reply?


this is a great idea. you can hang out more and see if you click before you even ask. you can get to know him better and see if it is even worth it. maybe he is a jerk outside of school. i know most women would love to know that before they date.

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The problem with asking him for his number is that I have absolutely no valid class-related reason to do it (despite it being an honors class, we don't get any work!) AND that I would have to ask him in front of the other girl (because we're always in the room together). Which, of course, I can't do, given that she confided in me and told me she likes him. So really, it's not as easy as it sounds!

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do you know if he is doing good in the class or not? why couldn't you ask him before or after class outside of the room?


and who cares if this chick likes him or not. what if you didn't know that? you'd do it? stop making excuses. you are going to miss YOUR chance to probably her. what do you owe her anyways?

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The recent most interesting development: the girl and I talked after class today and decided to collaborate, at least up to the point of finding out if he's single and then finding an excuse to meet him outside of class. I for sure thought that once she found out that I liked him too, we wouldn't be talking anymore...but we had the best, most entertaining conversation ever! Ha...So now we're scheming together. Such a messed up situation!

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The recent most interesting development: the girl and I talked after class today and decided to collaborate, at least up to the point of finding out if he's single and then finding an excuse to meet him outside of class. I for sure thought that once she found out that I liked him too, we wouldn't be talking anymore...but we had the best, most entertaining conversation ever! Ha...So now we're scheming together. Such a messed up situation!


poor guy. if either one of you end up with this guy, the truth will come out sooner or later. he will hate you.

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