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Odd leg problem after running...

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Im early 20s and I have recently started running and I experience an odd problem which I will try my best to articulate.

Bit of history first: Previously the only physical activity I do is swimming (1km at a time) and cycling (commuting so about 10km round trip). Over the past 5 years cycling has been my main form of exercise where my legs are concerned.


This only happens in my right leg.

I'll run for about 20 minutes or so, and the muscles in the lower part of my shins (both legs) which are slightly to the side will hurt and swell up (as do all exercised muscles) and this in itself isnt painful. However this affects how a muscle or tendon next to it sits, depending if I am standing up, or bending over (for example in a calf stretching position).


When I bend forward I feel a sharp but very brief sting as a particular muscle or tendon in my leg is apparently forced over another muscle in my leg. This is in the same area - down low, front right side on my right leg. And when I stand up, the muscle goes back to its previous position accompanied with another sharp but brief sting. This will only happen for the first 15 minutes or so after a run - while my muscles are apparently swelled with blood.


This is hard to explain, Ive done a bit of googling and the general response seems to be "shin splints" when someone describes pain in their lower leg, but this pain only occurs when I bend over then stand back up, as this little muscle gets pushed around.


I believe this is the best I can explain it, and does anyone know what is causing this and if it can lead to serious problems?

Its not giving me great discomfort and so far I have just put it down to the fact that im using muscles that I havent used under rigorous exercise for a long time.

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whenever you have any kind of pain that continues for more than a limited period of time (and is immediately explanable), you need to visit a doctor to get it checked out, and probably stop whatever you are doing that is causing the problem.


there could be lots of explanations for this type of pain, but people can do serious damage to themselves if they ignore pain that is not the usual muscle stiffness one gets from exercising. you could have a stress fracture, or a ligament problem that needs rest to recover from, or shin splits, or something more exotic that needs treatment. you can also overdevelop some muscles at the expense of others, and this can cause misalignment of joints and ligaments.


so i suggest you take it easy for a while and consult a doctor or physical therapist or sports therapist to figure out what is going wrong before you potentially cause worse damage. running can be much harder on the body than non-impact exercise like swimming or bicycling, so that could be part of your problem too.

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How many days do you run a week and how fast do you run? Are you gradually building up your endurance? If you run only 3 times a week and keep it at a jogging pace for 20 min each in the beginning, you shouldn't experience any sharp pain. I was always told that if you know you can shake off the pain, then by all means you can continue to run. BUT, if you know that the pain is more serious; ie. stubborn, sharp...you should rest until the pain is gone, or see a doctor. I don't think using new muscles or feeling fatigue will result in the pain and swollen that you described. Did you check those running magazine websites? They are very helpful. Good luck.

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Thanks, BeStrongBeHappy, I should get it checked out.


How many days do you run a week and how fast do you run? Are you gradually building up your endurance? If you run only 3 times a week and keep it at a jogging pace for 20 min each in the beginning, you shouldn't experience any sharp pain.

Probably about 3 days a week - but Ive only just started running.

I jog, so its a pretty slow pace.

Im gradually building up endurance yeah, but I play soccer twice a week which is more intense.

I was always told that if you know you can shake off the pain, then by all means you can continue to run. BUT, if you know that the pain is more serious; ie. stubborn, sharp...you should rest until the pain is gone, or see a doctor. I don't think using new muscles or feeling fatigue will result in the pain and swollen that you described. Did you check those running magazine websites? They are very helpful. Good luck.

The thing about the pain is that it isnt constant, and the swelling I experience is not painful and I dont think its abnormal. But I agree with BeHappy in that it could lead to ligament damage or it is a result of some muscles overworked than others.

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You may be over-pronating. Have you ever had shin splints? Are you wearing shoes specifically made for running? When I used to skate I'd get something similar to what you're describing. For me, it was because I clenched my toes in the skate boot because I hadn't worked up to the level I was performing at, causing my muscles to lock. It would be a good idea to go see someone trained in sports medicine before continuing with the jogging just to be safe.

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Hey if its not shin splints it could be exertional compartment syndrome - look it up!!! Its not always diagnosed properly as its still not very well known believe me I ended up diagnosing mysel but found a great doctor. Unfortunately had to have the surgery Look it up on the web and see if your symptons are anything like it. Let me know if you have any questions.

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hey lonelyfish, a lot of what i briefly just read about compartment syndrome rings true, except for the result - being restriction of blood to a given muscle in the area - if this is happening I dont think its as bad as what ive read it should be.

Regardless Ive booked a consultation so ill post back when I get word of what it actually is.

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Saw the Physio last night.

He said that in his 20-odd years of practising he has only seen compartment syndrome maybe 3 times - and it wasnt that.


It was basically as I had thought - my muscles are tight in that area normally, and exercise was just making them swell with use, making the area tighter still, which was leaving a tendon less room to move around resulting in pain when I bent over in odd directions directly after exercise (eg for stretching).


He massaged them for 20 minutes or so and they felt much better afterwards, he said no damage will occur if i keep running the way it is, but to adopt a stretching regime of about 5-6 reps of 20 seconds per day on the muscles in my legs and see how I go after a couple of weeks. He also said to bring in my shoes after 6 weeks to see how they are wearing - as I only get the pain in one leg, so Im probably supinating further than the opposite foot.


Just thought Id share in case anyone else was suffering similar symptoms!

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