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moving out?


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i need some serious advice....im 17 and i want to move out...me and my friend discussed it...and we already found this nice place and we would be splitting the rent i would pay $250 a month and she would pay $250 a month...the rent cost $500. My question is ...is it legal to move out of your parents house at 17 in canada?....i just cant take them anymore i get no freedom anymore...and there threatening to put a restraining order against my fiance because they think hes desroying me and they think hes only after one thing....which i know hes not ..they don't even know half the things hes done for me...i tried talking to them but they just wont listen..any advice on whats the legal age to move out in canada?

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You are emancipated at age 16 I think.

Here's a dumb question: do you have a job to pay for this place?

Your parents are just trying to look out for you, trying to do whats best based on years of experience.

Perhaps they dont know your fiance very well and if they did maybe things would be better. How about a mediator?


However, if my daughter was engaged at 17, I would have some serious misgivings and wonder what's with the guy too. Try putting your self in the shoes of your parents.


Do you have a trusted adult family member or family friend that can assist in bridging the gap here?



One last question, where on earth can you find an apartment for only $500???

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yes i have a job...not the best job in the world...but just enough to be able to pay for rent and food. Its not an apartment it's a condo kinda thing.basically you get your own room ....you have to share the bathroom and the kitchen with two other people. I don't mind though i just want to be in control of my own decisions. Yeah i know there trying to do whats best for me...but all their doing is making me feel depressed and more paranoid by locking my up and threating to lose the only person i trust and actually care about. i don't blame them for thinking the way they do because lately ive been liing to them and they caught me. But i just never felt close with my mom whenever im home i just stay in my room it gets so lonely at times Its to the point where the only time i feel safe and secure is if im with my fiance or friend. Sometimes i feel that i have to lie in order to be free if that makes any sense. My mom and my sister are really close and shes scared that im gonna follow in the path my sister took.But im just tired of making up for my sisters mistakes. I would feel so much better if i moved out.



You are emancipated at age 16 I think.

Here's a dumb question: do you have a job to pay for this place?

Your parents are just trying to look out for you, trying to do whats best based on years of experience.

Perhaps they dont know your fiance very well and if they did maybe things would be better. How about a mediator?


However, if my daughter was engaged at 17, I would have some serious misgivings and wonder what's with the guy too. Try putting your self in the shoes of your parents.


Do you have a trusted adult family member or family friend that can assist in bridging the gap here?



One last question, where on earth can you find an apartment for only $500???

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Well it's a big step, you probably know that already but it is likely bigger than you already think it is. If that makes any sense.

It won't be easy either - poverty sucks pretty badly.

However, it's going to happen eventually anyway.... Life is for learning - make sure you don't burn your bridges and can come home if you want. Try to stay on good terms with the parents and all if you possibly can.

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thank you for the advice...i know it wont be easy but im willing to do anything to finally be able to make my own decisions without feeling like im being watched all the time. thanks again!


Well it's a big step, you probably know that already but it is likely bigger than you already think it is. If that makes any sense.

It won't be easy either - poverty sucks pretty badly.

However, it's going to happen eventually anyway.... Life is for learning - make sure you don't burn your bridges and can come home if you want. Try to stay on good terms with the parents and all if you possibly can.

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hope this helps...




Leaving Home




Financial Support


Parental Support


Your parents or guardian must make sure that you have food, clothes, and a place to live. Otherwise, they must provide enough money to get these necessities for yourself. Generally your parents must support you until you are 18 years old or as long as you are enrolled in a full-time educational program.


Your parent or guardian does not have to support you if you are 16 years or older and have left home of your own free will.


If you are 16 years or older and you believe that you were forced to leave home, your parents or guardian may still have to support you. For example, if you left home because you were kicked out without good reason or if you were being abused in any way, you are entitled to continued financial support. It is important to remember that your parents are expected to support you only as much as they are financially able. If you are under 16 years of age, the Children's Aid Society may be under a legal obligation to provide support for you. So if you are out of the house and under the age of 16 you may be able to go to court to get the Children's Aid Society involved. It is very difficult to understand the laws that deal with financial support. You should talk to a lawyer if you need help.




You are entitled to receive welfare benefits if you are 16 years or older. However, in Ontario, if you are 16 or 17 years old, there are specific conditions that will apply to you. You will have to show that:


there are special circumstances that make it impossible for you to return home.

you are in school or in an approved job training program full-time. The welfare worker will likely phone your parents and ask them if you can return home. You should ask a school counsellor or social worker to write a letter to the welfare worker explaining that you are on your own and in need of assistance and that despite what your parents say, it is not appropriate for you to return home.

To get welfare you can:


ask for a family assessment that requires you and your family to go into counseling. Only if, your family agrees.


ask that you stay in regular contact with a "responsible adult."



Make sure you fill out an application, even if they tell you it probably won't be accepted. If they refuse your application, you can try to appeal the decision. You are entitled to an internal review. You should contact a legal clinic or the Social Assistance Review Board right away.


Under the Ontario regulations, if you lose your eligibility for welfare "for any reason," you cannot reapply for yourself until you are 18. If your benefits are cut off, you can appeal the decision. In this case, you should contact a legal clinic or the Social Assistance Review Board. It is important to remember that you can appeal a decision to deny or terminate your benefits. Contact a legal clinic for help.





It is against the law for a landlord to refuse to rent an apartment to you because you are under the age of 18. The law protects you against discrimination in housing if you are 16 or 17 years of age. It is discrimination if you find out the reason you have been refused is because you are 16 or 17 years old or because you are on welfare. You have certain rights and responsibilities once you move into an apartment. To find out more about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant contact your local community legal clinic.





You may work and keep your own wages. However, if you are less than 16 years old and are required to be in school, you may not work during school hours. If you are under the age of 16, there are laws that limit the places and times of day that you can work. Minimum wages can differ, depending on where you work, whether it is full-time or part-time or summer work. For questions about your employment rights you should call the Employment Practices Branch (Ontario Ministry of Labour) 416-326-7160 (in Toronto) or phone a legal clinic.





The legal information on this site is general information only (not legal advice) as it applies in Ontario. If you have a legal problem, you should talk to a lawyer.

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Sorry for offtopicking here, but I just had to...


One last question, where on earth can you find an apartment for only $500???


How big (square meters, or whatever measurement you use in US) can u get with $500? Because here where I live (Europe), I can get like 30m² for around $500. Quite selection actually, when not looking the ones in capital city...

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