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Attracting only younger man


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Hi all. I was trying to understand myself why have always been like this in my life. All the guys i've datted have been younger. I dont get why? I just turned 29 last week and I was hoping to meet a man of my age.

I met a guy this weekend, but I found out He is 25...just finishing college!


I spent a great time with this guy, but I doubt about still going out with him cuse He probably dosent have the same goals as me. I want to find a person to have a real relationship with not just to have fun.

I dont know what to do to find this person...cus it seems I only attract this type of guys.

I get desperate

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well...I tend to act as a child sometimes I admit that...but still, I am on a time in my life I want commitment and this guy is looking for other things I c.

Mabye I just need to relax and enjoy, but I know nothing serious will come up if I still going out with him.

Do you get my point? I am confuse now mabye I am to rigid

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is this the reson of my problem?


Si, puede ser. De que edad quires conocer? Porque a hombres maduros los gustan las mujeres con clase y maduras. A mi no le encuentro el chiste a las jovencitas que no toman la cosas serias. Un poco jugetonas esta bien, pero mas dedicadas a un futuro serio es mejor para compartir actividades de adultos. A tu edad ya debes de actuar mas como una dama elegante y eso creo yo que es lo que pasa con tigo; puedo astar equivocado.

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What happened then in all those years before you where 29, did the same thing happen when you where for instance 17?


It's funny cuz my real first love was when I was 19 and he was 32. Well before that it was normal I used to go out and have friends my same age.

When I turned 21 I started dating younger guys I didnt choose them It just happened! Since then it's been always the same.

I guess before I didnt mind cuz of my age...but now that I'm 29 I started doubting

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Si, puede ser. De que edad quires conocer? Porque a hombres maduros los gustan las mujeres con clase y maduras. A mi no le encuentro el chiste a las jovencitas que no toman la cosas serias. Un poco jugetonas esta bien, pero mas dedicadas a un futuro serio es mejor para compartir actividades de adultos. A tu edad ya debes de actuar mas como una dama elegante y eso creo yo que es lo que pasa con tigo; puedo astar equivocado.


si puede ser, pero es que siento que todavia quiero ser niña. Es un problema que traigo de siempre, porque mis padres siempre me trataron asi, muy concentida (spoil). El problema es que ahora si busco algo mas serio, pero sigo atrayendo chicos menores y que todavia estan en la onda de salir y no tomar nada en serio.

Quizas soy yo el problema, porque si quiero algo seriode, pero quizas demuestro un poco de miedo cuando las cosas pueden sermas serias y siento

Mucho miedo a ser grande! no se si tenga solucion esto

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do you go to places that more mature people would hang out in? maybe it is where you are picking up these guys.


mmm...yeah I actually do go to places that people between 25-35 go. It's just always younger people start talking to me. i really dont know what i do to get this.

Remember my co-worker? Well He is also younger:sad:

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si puede ser, pero es que siento que todavia quiero ser niña. Es un problema que traigo de siempre, porque mis padres siempre me trataron asi, muy concentida (spoil). El problema es que ahora si busco algo mas serio, pero sigo atrayendo chicos menores y que todavia estan en la onda de salir y no tomar nada en serio.

Quizas soy yo el problema, porque si quiero algo seriode, pero quizas demuestro un poco de miedo cuando las cosas pueden sermas serias y siento

Mucho miedo a ser grande! no se si tenga solucion esto


Hey -


Do you think older men are typically boring? You can definitely still be very fun but also serious ... perhaps you're honestly still looking for the right combination in a guy. If you're only finding guys that are into going out, maybe it's because you're meeting them while out at clubs? Perhaps if you join an activity that you think is fun you can meet guys who have that fun/youthful vibe but are still mature.


Why do you think you're scared of growing up? Have you had serious relationships before? I guess it just sounds to me like you are associating old with boring, and it doesn't have to be that way! Also, are you sure you're actually looking for something serious? Maybe you just think you should be, but that's not what you're looking for?


Just some thoughts. I read Spanish but am too shy to reply in Spanish!

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I c you're good on spanish, you understood everything!

I dont think older man might be boring, in fact I had my first boyfriend really older than me and He acted like a teenager. I just get along with guys that like to go out, drink and that kind of things. Most of the time this guys are the type that like to show up arround and be kind of popular and I am really shy.


About joining an activity as you sugested in your post, I never thougth about the idea of it ...it's cool! I will absolutely consider this.

I have never had a serious relationship, the longer one was 1 year but He was so inmature...I migth have a problem myself!

I really want a serious relationship but it seems is not the time for me....what can I do?

I dont want to spend all my life like this

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In the world of a 25 y.o.- 4 years is a major difference. Especially in this day & age- 25 is still considered super young. (Just getting out of college- he is still in the party mode-) They don't know what they want. They're priorities are different. I had a relationship with a younger man & got blindsighted when he told me "i was looking for a husband and he wasn't looking for that." Save yourself alot of time & heartbreak by concentrating on someone who is on the same level as you. You are young at heart and that is so important in a relationship- but if the guy doesn't get it- you'll end up high & dry. (i'm not generalizing ALL younger guys- but most.)

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In the world of a 25 y.o.- 4 years is a major difference. Especially in this day & age- 25 is still considered super young. (Just getting out of college- he is still in the party mode-) They don't know what they want. They're priorities are different. I had a relationship with a younger man & got blindsighted when he told me "i was looking for a husband and he wasn't looking for that." Save yourself alot of time & heartbreak by concentrating on someone who is on the same level as you. You are young at heart and that is so important in a relationship- but if the guy doesn't get it- you'll end up high & dry. (i'm not generalizing ALL younger guys- but most.)


i think this is true. when i was 25 i wasn't into having a relationship really. i some acuqaintances, but i was out to hook up. nothing special.

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In the world of a 25 y.o.- 4 years is a major difference. Especially in this day & age- 25 is still considered super young. (Just getting out of college- he is still in the party mode-) They don't know what they want. They're priorities are different. I had a relationship with a younger man & got blindsighted when he told me "i was looking for a husband and he wasn't looking for that." Save yourself alot of time & heartbreak by concentrating on someone who is on the same level as you. You are young at heart and that is so important in a relationship- but if the guy doesn't get it- you'll end up high & dry. (i'm not generalizing ALL younger guys- but most.)


Wow, You`re so right. I needed to hear that, cuz for me you can have lot of fun and get a great time, but I started doubting about wasting my time in this kind of situations. 25s guys still in party mode for sure, well so do I lol but it's not going to be for long!

Thx for your post Amanda!

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