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Friend in need is a friend indeed.


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Hi everyone thought I'd ask advice from all you smart people for my friend.


She's been seeing her guy for 6 months. Sorta rocky relationship but they seem to be in a good place well she wants him to take her for dinner and she has mentioned a few times but he just rolls his eyes. He seems to have money to buy xbox's and other such things for himself and she tell me she mentions to him "oh now you can take me to dinner". lol she's getting sorta pissed off that he never does anything nice for her like that anymore. What's the best advice I can give her to get him to smarten up and pull up his socks.

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Ummm men dont usually get hints, even if to us girls they seem really obvious.


Why doesnt she wait until he asks her about her plans for the weekend and she can say "well how about if we go to that new Thai place?"


As a guy he'll appreciate her taking the initiative to suggest something.

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well she wants him to take her for dinner and she has mentioned a few times but he just rolls his eyes. He seems to have money to buy xbox's and other such things for himself and she tell me she mentions to him "oh now you can take me to dinner". lol she's getting sorta pissed off that he never does anything nice for her like that anymore. What's the best advice I can give her to get him to smarten up and pull up his socks.


Is it possible he's rolling his eyes because he feels she's being...greedy? I mean, does she take him out to dinner and do nice things for him too? It's a two-way street.

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He seems to have money to buy xbox's and other such things for himself


It is his money to do as he pleases and nobody should begrudge him of that. Just because a man and woman are dating, doesn't mean he is her constant bank account and source of money for dinners and entertainment. Why can't they go for dinner and she pays her own way. Yes, it is nice for a man to treat a woman to dinner or whatever, but it shouldn't be all the time...money doesn't grow on trees, entertainment is expensive and the woman should not expect to have her entertainment paid for just because she is dating a guy. I don't know the nature of this relationship and why it is rocky, but fixing that part should be more important than having dinner paid for and focusing on what the man buys for himself. Dating is about companionship, caring, empathy, compassion.

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She's been seeing her guy for 6 months. Sorta rocky relationship but they seem to be in a good place well she wants him to take her for dinner and she has mentioned a few times but he just rolls his eyes.


Okay, if she has been paying for a lot of dinners for both of them, the relationship has been rocky, and he rolls his eyes at her, this is not good. There is nothing you can do to make him smarten up, he has to want to smarten up. But maybe it is time your friend cut her losses and walk away from this person who is clearly disrespecting her. It won't get any better than this if their relationship is like this only 6 months in.

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