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I'm so very happy for you Dilly.


I just want to add my two cents in regards for the epidural. I also got Stadol, which made me SO HIGH. I was in active labor and calling ex boyfriends type of high...yeah, not good.


Anyways, I did get the epidural and I got him out just fine. They turned it down for me when I got fully dialated and I could feel everything I needed to, and yes I did feel pressure, but it really wasn't bad at all. I didn't have any complications or problems breastfeeding whatsoever. I also went in with it in my head that I wasn't going to get the epidural, but I definently needed it. And I'm very happy I did.


I'd suggest you wait and see how you feel...every labor is different but if I had to go back, I wouldn't have done it any other way.

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Congrats! I'm glad you had a positive experience and that you are enjoying your new daughter.


I can't believe how productive you were during the early stages of your labor: going to work, cleaning, shopping.


You DEFINITELY deserve some rest now! lol



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Caro, BTR, ILOVEMYCAIRO, Bella, and ITG,


THANK YOU ALL!!! You guys all made this whole pregnancy a wonderful experience.


I had 1g of stadol (or maybe 1 mg) - whatever... it really did the trick for me and made me sleepy between contractions and when my B/F took off to McD's I didn't want to whip him when he got back, so maybe that was a good thing...


I was happy about the level of productivity during my labor/prelabor - it really paid dividends when I got back - it was really weird how labor felt like a fight or flight adrenaline reaction to me - I really, really didn't have a relaxing labor, like reading magazines or anything, the whole process from admissions on was ACTIVE for me.


Not to say that I would have minded a relaxing labor, it just wasn't in the cards. My little neighbor told me the other day that she only had ONE contraction after her water broke and that it lasted two minutes and the baby was born. She said, otherwise, it felt like premenstrual cramping. Must be nice.


Anyway, this little gal is a gem and I love her middle name (not many others do, but we do).

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Thanks for the advice on the epidural Dilly. I am just worried that I will be in the middle of labour saying, "Why the hell didn't I take it? Am I trying to be a hero here?" But I am really just not sure.


Your little girl is SO GORGEOUS! Btw to attatch I think you just click on the little paper clip at the top and a window comes up. Theres one spot for URL attatchments, and one to upload from your puter. This pic is irrelevant but I tried it just to see if thats how u do it.

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THANKS SCAREW AND ILOVEMYBABYCAIRO!!! I don't get an option to upload from the puter, just the URL. OH WELL! I can keep changing my avatar from time to time. I think she's a big sweetheart!!!


As for the epidural, I don't think it's a big deal at all to get it. Best case scenario, go without. Worst, go with it and enjoy the ride.

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Thats so awesome that you have no regrets Dilly.


If you click "Post Reply" instead of quick reply at the bottom then it goes to a new screen that should have the paper clip. You don't see the paper clip there? Or you do and it just doesn't give u the upload option?

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Dilly what a beautiful little baby girl.


It was so nice to read your birth story and feel so much positive energy coming from it. You sound like a champ and I am glad it turned out well and your baby is so gorgeous.


Thanks for sharing!

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I just noticed the baby's pic in your avatar.


She is so adorable!!!!!!!



I've been getting cuteness overload from all the baby pics in the pregnancy forum. It makes me so excited & impatient- I can't wait until my little boy is here!


Congrats again, Dilly!

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Thats so awesome that you have no regrets Dilly.


If you click "Post Reply" instead of quick reply at the bottom then it goes to a new screen that should have the paper clip. You don't see the paper clip there? Or you do and it just doesn't give u the upload option?


AHA!!! THIS is the secret!!! Thanks, Scarew!!!!

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Congratulations, Dilly! She is an absolute little darling. I totally want to pinch those round rosy cheeks!! (gently, of course


How are you feeling??



Thanks, Scout!!! Feel great, lost 25 pounds already, but am stressing about the breastmilk supply at this point. Baby gained 14 ounces from discharge weight in 5 days (7 ounces from birth weight in 7 days). Was hearing lotsa gulps and swallows. Now, she's wanting to be fed all the time, don't hear gulps and swallows as much, and my boobs have got quite SOFT!!! I can still express milk, but am just concerned about it. Am going to buy a baby scale today... if I can find one, just for the sake of reassurance. Wondering also if pumping might help pull up production again. Had slept through the night and on my belly and am concerned that that may have caused or contributed to decreased production. Baby's latch has also gotten quite weak and she has become quite "gassy".

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congrats! I love the meaning behind her name


THANK YOU! You are one of the few who expresses appreciation for the middle name - most really don't like it (friends, family, acquaintances) - but we love it!!! That's all that matters I suppose.

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Dilly what a beautiful little baby girl.


It was so nice to read your birth story and feel so much positive energy coming from it. You sound like a champ and I am glad it turned out well and your baby is so gorgeous.


Thanks for sharing!


THANK YOU SO MUCH, HOPE!!! I appreciate all your feedback throughout the pregnancy and welcome it now in the post-pardum period!!!

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I just noticed the baby's pic in your avatar.


She is so adorable!!!!!!!



I've been getting cuteness overload from all the baby pics in the pregnancy forum. It makes me so excited & impatient- I can't wait until my little boy is here!


Congrats again, Dilly!



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... am stressing about the breastmilk supply at this point. Baby gained 14 ounces from discharge weight in 5 days (7 ounces from birth weight in 7 days). Was hearing lotsa gulps and swallows. Now, she's wanting to be fed all the time, don't hear gulps and swallows as much, and my boobs have got quite SOFT!!! I can still express milk, but am just concerned about it. Am going to buy a baby scale today... if I can find one, just for the sake of reassurance. Wondering also if pumping might help pull up production again. Had slept through the night and on my belly and am concerned that that may have caused or contributed to decreased production. Baby's latch has also gotten quite weak and she has become quite "gassy".


Isn't this whole nursing thing HARD?!? It's like rocket science! I feel so stupid sometimes that I can't figure it out - it seems like it should be instinctive and come naturally. And everyone gives me conflicting advice - the midwives, my mom, my sister. Sleep through the night. No, wake her up and feed her in the night. No, let her sleep, but wake up and pump in the night. Only nurse from one side at each feeding. No, nurse from both sides at each feeding. Give her a pacifier. No, never give her a pacifier. Bottle-feed her the pumped milk. No, never give her a bottle. You're feeding her too much. You're feeding her too little. Oh my god! This stuff is way harder than anyone ever told me it would be.


Anyway, I would say to get her weighed. If she's continuing to gain weight, then just continue whatever you're doing because it's working. Definitely let yourself sleep through the night (sleep helps to produce more milk anyway, and fights off infection and engorgement). Try not to sleep on your chest, though. And if she's hungry alot, just feed her. You can't overfeed a breastfed baby, so just accept it as your full-time job and feed away during the day (let her sleep at night if she's willing).


If she's lost weight, however, talk to your doctor. Maya gained a pound and then she lost it all, and now is back to her birth weight. I've been instructed to pump after every feeding and to take fenugreek and blessed thistle to increase my milk supply.


How much can you manually express? If you can get an ounce or more after 10 minutes, then I think your milk supply is ok. (I pump for 20 minutes and only get about 1/4 of an ounce!)

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Yeesh! It DOES sound complicated! I will definetly be on here asking for advice when its my turn. Hazey, you only get a quarter ounce after 20 minutes???


I was hoping to pump alot so that dad can help and I can actually go out to the gym and stuff. I am already leaking so I am pretty sure my supply is on the right track. That sucks though if it is that hard to pump. How much does a newborn typically consume per feeding/per day? I mean if you were bottle feeding alot.


Dilly, I don't understand why you would be concerned about your supply if your baby GAINED weight. Can you explain? Also, do you mean to say that you are worried that she is gassy because she is swallowing alot of air when you feed?

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