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The contractions totally fizzled out. Last one 1.5 hours ago. I think I'm in false labor or in some kind of "prodromal labor" state. Oh well, I just walked a mile during lunch. Haven't felt this good walking in a very long time. I think she is situated deeper in my birth canal and possibly a bit more stable there, such that there's less of a tendency for her to cause hyperactive uterine contractions. Oh well, if it must be a 5-7 day saga, I will accept it.

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hey dilly - i just caught this thread. I'm so excited for you. Sorry for scaring you with my thread - yours won't be nearly that bad. mine had complications because of the baby's position but other than that it wasn't bad. Up to 6 cm dilated the contractions were just uncomfortable and the final pushing stage didn't really hurt. it hurts at first, but when you push you find that the pain actually goes away so it feels good to push. Don't run from the pain. spend the first 30 seconds acknowledging it and the last 30 seconds dismissing it.


i hope you've left work. If possible, you should be sleeping. Take a glass of wine, a tylenol, and a gravol. you should be able to dose off.


I'm going to be thinking of you and sending positivity your way. can't wait to see pics!

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You're so nice. I really may go home and sleep.... I'm really tired. I stayed up last night counting contractions thinking I'd be going into the hospital by mid-morning. Now, hardly any. I already feel your positive vibes. THANKS!!!


ALso, I like the idea of not running from the pain, acknowledging it and then, dismissing it. That sounds nice.

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Seriously, GET SLEEP! It is SO important!!!! You could be in hard, active labor for hours and you want as much sleep as possible.


I agree, you are a trooper!!!


About water breakage...they broke my water and it didn't "gush" out for another couple hours...but when it came out, man! It was embarrassing! It felt like I peed my pants and it just was EVERYWHERE...apparently I had an unhumanly amount of it though. I went to the bathroom (I was in the hospital though) and stood in the bathtub trying to get it to stop, then I stood on a bunch of papertowels and tried to "mop" it up...the nurses thought it was hilarious because I was cleaning up while I was in labor and attached to IV's and monitors and stuff, but it was so embarrassing. Anyways, enough about me! I can't wait to hear your labor story!!!


Are you all ready? Hospital bag packed, camera loaded? It won't be long now!!!

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I went to the bathroom (I was in the hospital though) and stood in the bathtub trying to get it to stop, then I stood on a bunch of papertowels and tried to "mop" it up...the nurses thought it was hilarious because I was cleaning up while I was in labor and attached to IV's and monitors and stuff, but it was so embarrassing.


That is hilarious!!!


Bag packed, but not with my own clothes. I have no idea what I will be able to wear.

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They say to bring clothes that fit you when you were six months pregnant. I am bringing my lululemon stretchy loose pants and one of Daddy's button up shirts and my comfy, sports-nursing bra when I go in. And full bum underwhere! And pads in case the hospital doesn't supply them. Keep us posted Dilly!!!!!!! We're rootin for ya!


LOL bathmat!

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Okay, at the hospital my cousin was at the pads were seriously about two feet long. No joke. and a good half foot wide in the middle. They worked, but were so big that they were "uncomfortable"


So yah, bring your own pads haha!

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YAY, contractions are finally more regular: two hours ago they were coming every 12 or so minutes and now like every 9. Not terribly painful and they are shorter in duration than the ones yesterday which could be quite strong at times.


I'm definitely bringing full-bum undies, something I haven't warn for like 7 years, pads, and couldn't find nursing pads.


OH THIS CAT - he is so spoiled, rubbing his face all over my hands as I type. In for a rude awakening I'd say.


Yesterday, I didn't even have contractions for like 8 hours in the afternoon. Went home, watered plants, ate, and by the closing of IDOL, they were back. Doc says not to come in until I am "blowing" out of my mouth to keep up with the contractions which quite possibly means another day of work. I can talk through them.


This labor is very slow-progressing and I'm just not sure I'm in the "active" phase of it yet and I guess if I have two more hours of regular shortening intervals between contractions, I'll head over to the hospital which is only five minutes away. GET READY AND WAIT, right?


My pubic bone really kinda hurts. GOT ANOTHER ONE - 7 minutes this time.... about thirty seconds in duration. Hazey is right, just don't fight the pain, let it work for you. Mom was right too - waves on a beach, they come in and recede and once I'm done with the mounting of the pain, I can relax a bit and look forward to a "deep cleansing breath" which frankly, it feels quite natural to take after the contraction.


My guy is sleeping through it, doesn't even know really that I'm having a contraction when I do. I guess I don't want to cry wolf and be a big baby until I need to. Funny how self-conscious I am about expressing pain, but how open I am about the labor progression. Guess it's a wash. He knows the play by play, just not the perceptive play by play.


ANYWAY, I'm excited. AND nervous. Should really file my taxes. They are done. I just need to submit them.

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I'm in the dreaded prodromal labor state. My contractions are real, but not part of the "active labor" state that brings women to breathless condition until it subsides.


Good thing though is that my cervix is 90% effaced (15% gain over two days) and positioned quite a bit less towards my back. But no gains in cervical dilation have been made.


So while I feel regular contractions at semi-regular intervals, I've been told to ignore them until they make me breathless.


I'm exhausted and am going home to bed (I hope) soon.


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It's going to be soon!!


Good luck, just remember to relax as much as you can, don't feel bad about asking for meds, oh and drink and eat NOW because it sucks, they don't let you drink ANYTHING the entire time you're in the hospital. Just ice chips.


Anyways, there's a screaming baby in the other room so I gotta go, I can't wait to here you're a mommy!!!

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Don't feel like a loser? Geez! It's not like you aren't due any day, and its not like you have been going to the hospital every time your uterus gets a little bump! It's your first baby! Give yourself a break Dilly


Hang in there love!

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