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Starting to experience a show (passage of brown and slightly pink substance, not a whole lot, but for the last 7 hours), but not sure if it's the plug or not. Mild menstrual like cramps. WOW, am I ready? Appointment in a few hours. I feel nervous. If it's the plug, I read I could be days and days away from delivery, but if it's show, maybe not so long. Not sure how psychosomatic the "cramps" are for me. I'll know when it's time, I suppose.

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Yeah good luck wishes from over here too!


It sounds like the first signs of labour Although my daughter decided to make an appearance about 5 days later after i'd had my show!


All the best, will soon be over and you'll have your beautiful baby in your arms before you know it.

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THANK YOU, Ellie, Rose2Summer, Bella, and Dizzy!! You guys put a major smile on my face. Getting excited. On going to the doc's this AM, I learned I was 75% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated. Last week I was 50% effaced and not dilated at all. My "cramps" are not regular at all and only last like 20 seconds and maybe I get one every hour, as opposed to none in the past. We'll see, I'm going to go walking during lunch to help things along.

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Woohoo so your in slow labour then!


Great idea about the walking, gravity and all...should help things on there way!


I guess. All I know is I sit behind a desk during the week and worked like crazy this weekend. So this sitting may subdue any contractions I might otherwise get if I was active. Oh well.

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I don't have one, but I've been thinking that this ball may really, really help me during labor and it's been a brainstorm of mine to go fetch one and use it at the hospital. I wonder where one might buy the larger variety. I'm pretty tall and those smaller ones just put me too close to the floor. GREAT IDEA, BELLA!!! THANK YOU!

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In most stores- they have stability balls for different heights. Maybe a sports supply/fitness store would have more variety- but I've even seen Walmart carry different ones for different heights from time to time.


I hope you can find one that will work for you,



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About the stability ball....in my childbirth class, they told us to BEWARE of those! The lady said to make sure you have one specifically designed for childbirth. She's seen cases where women have been in hard labor and been using the 'fitness' kind, and they POPPED!! She said it's dangerous for both you and the baby, so be extra careful.


Anyways, enough with the tutorial! I'm SO happy for you Dilly! Good luck! Just remember to concentrate on your little one. When things get tough, relax and remind yourself you're going to see her beautiful face in a little while!


Aw, you're going to be a mommy! (It's weird, I'm feeling all proud since I first started talking to you when you were in the early stages...you're a very strong women and don't let anyone tell you different!!!)


Good luck sweety!!

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Tis true, BTR. You have been such a role model for me and have led the way and I've happily been your follower!!! You set such a great example and really, your honesty has tought me so much throughout this journey. You have no idea how much I value your involvement in my life. I don't truly know where I'd be without your feedback and support!!! Contractions are still irregular, but picking up in pain so maybe it will happen soon. Seems like I'm getting lotsa warning, though. Thanks for the tips of bursting my bubble - don't want to be squat on the floor... afterall, I've gained 45 pounds and that little tumble wouldn't be painless.

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Congrats Dilly! My cousin said that when she started losing her plug it was like her crotch had a cold LOL! So I think it would probably be show, although I don't actually know what that is


Tell us before you decide its time to go into the hospital! Unless you are in extreme labor!!!!!!!!

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Congrats Dilly! My cousin said that when she started losing her plug it was like her crotch had a cold LOL! So I think it would probably be show, although I don't actually know what that is


THAT is hilarious!!! Yeah, that's why I don't think it's the so-called plug because there's literally no mucous, it's just brown blood like you might expect after having sex a few days after your menstrual cycle, but a bit different in texture, not as wet, more suspended. I love details.


OK aside from that, I've had about 12 contractions that are weak weak weak. I would rate them 2/10 on pain scale and more like menstrual cramps with hardening of my tummy. But, the best is yet to come. I guess I'll go for a walk tonight to try to progress things a bit.

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Thanks CARO, and Scarew, no way I could do the sex thing last night... nausea... lots of soft round stools, too. But overall, feel alright. Baby's feet moved into the center of my stomach from beneath my right ribs.... ooooh contraction (feel it in my back a bit and lower stomach, tight, pubic bone hurts as baby's head bears down into it, going back now....my mom says imagine it like waves on a beach.... they come and recede... these contractions... my job is to make it through the first half and to relax as they back off.


Passed the mucous plug two hours ago and laughed - it really does look like a crouch cold - hahahaha. Tiny spec of pink in it.


Slept through a few more contractions (3/10 maybe 4). Worst pain I could imagine would be being scorched to death and this is hardly that. BUT, it's not easy. I guess I couldn't imagine pain that bad with pregnancy until I read Hazey's thread.


Contractions are 5-20 minutes apart, 40 seconds long, definitely the early phase of the first stage. Not going to the hospital until they are 5 minutes apart. Not sure if I should go to work in 3 hours. We'll see.


Time to try to go back to "sleep".

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THANKS, Bella. I don't get it, though. These are real contractions, much more painful than the menstrual cramps of yesterday, but they are not regular so I'm at work and we'll assume this would be a ticket home if I showed up at the ER. I guess I will wait until they are 5 minutes apart IF they ever get that regular. Gosh, I thought you just started contacting and there was none of this wait and see for 48 hours passing of time. Oh well, no need to rush things. My contractions could be 5 minutes to two hours apart. I didn't get the ball last night, but did notice that you can strattle a short stool in much the same way and just kind of stretch out in a similar way. I'm getting it tonight though.

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Wait a minute......You're at WORK?


What a trooper!!!!!!!!


OMG No kidding! I was complaining that I had to work like a month ago! You are dialating and still going to work??? You must want some good mat leave!

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YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the support. Yeah, I'm at work, sitting on a giant bathmat (AHAHAHAHAHA) in case my water breaks. God, I feel like such a freak. If it breaks, I"m bolting out of here, no goodbyes, nothing. Taking my wet bathmat and throwing it in the trash on the way out, but only happens in 12% of the cases. So many people are freaked by the possibility of water breakage, including me. GROTIE TO THE MAX. And yes, Scarew, I want every day of my maternity leave to go to the baby.

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