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My head is going to explode! plz help


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i seem to keep getting in this trend where i start liking this girl and then i somehow mess things up and lose them.. but i really dont want to lose this one.


Let me explain. I met this girl about a month ago now and well when i met her she had a b/f and she wasnt very happy with him. He threats her badly all the time and doesnt care about her. Anyway making the long story shorter, i ended up getting really close to her and i started to really like her. She asked me to go to this job interview with her about 6 hours away for a weekend with her.. i said yes and everything was fine. About a week before this we went out to a bar and then afterwards we came to my house where she fell asleep with me and i held her all night (she still had a b/f). Anyway so this weekend starting from thursday i went over to her house and slept with her (just slept) because we were leaving early the next morning. Once again i slept with her and just held her because i didnt want to get her in the habit of cheating on her b/f (even tho that kinda is for many people). Anyway i spent the whole weekend with her and we did many things and went to go see alot of nice places.. Friday night she was speaking with her b/f and they got into a fight because of me being alone with her and broke up. That night she was very sad but seemed to have gotten over it pretty quickly. There were so many things i wanted to do with her that night but i choose not too because i didnt want to end up being the rebound guy. (not sure how that works but i think if i wouldve done something with her i wouldve became the rebound guy)


Anyway all this to say that all weekend weve been togerther as a couple but ME being myself didnt kiss her or try to do anything sexual with her because i wasnt sure if it was to fast and if she needed more time. Anyway we got home last night and we hung out abit and then she asked me about this girl i was sleeping with while i liked her when she was still seeing her b/f and got mad when i told her how many times i had sex with her. Now she doesnt want to speak with me because she said i lied to her and that she cant trust me because im too nice of a guy.... Last time she asked me how many times i slept with this girl i said only once but then she found out that i had sex with this girl about 8 times .


My question is .. i really really like this girl i spent my weekend with... i dont wanna loose her.. i dont know what i should do but i realized that i had feelings for her... that i love her. She doesnt want to give me a second chance because she says she cant trust me.

Im Lost and dont know what to do..


please please please help me!

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She can't trust you and she was the one borderline-cheating on her own boyfriend herself?!?


I know she says she was in a bad relationship, but was she really? A lot of girls will say they are, just to get other guys interested, and to make the cheating stage less of a guilt trip. I've known girls to say what a jerk their boyfriends are and I've felt really sorry for them -- but eventually found out the opposite was the truth.


That said, you had no loyalty to this girl. You may have spent the weekend with her and held her and all that, but you had every right to sleep with other girls or date other girls.


If she can't understand it then maybe it is for the best. After all, she has just come out of a relationship and probably still needs time to get her head sorted and think rationally.

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Just in case you want to hear it again, I'll echo and add my own twist.


If the girl you like cannot respect simple logic, then she is going to be hell later down the road. The last thing you want is someone who lives by the code "do as I say, not as I do". It is extremely frustrating to love someone who forbids you to do something that she believes she can do at will.

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she says its not the fact that i slept with her 8 times but its the fact that i lied.. and she says if i lied once that what will stop me from doing it in the future?


What is stopping her from cheating on you in the future if she was willing to start something up with you while she was dating someone? And while there was no sex; she was cheating because I bet her boyfriend had no idea she was sleeping with another man in the same bed, or telling another man she wanted to leave, etc.


Don't start a relationship where this kinda of double standard and hypocricy is ALREADY showing; because it sure won't get better!

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this chick is bad news. she jumps from one guy to another. it seems she wanted out of her previous relationship, found you and had you in the back of her head. when it came time to dust the other guy, she flopped right over to you. now you have to answer to her? bs. don't tell her anything about any other girl you were seeing. you don't owe her that. if she wants to be with you, let her know you will be with her. but who is to say when she gets fed up with you, is seeing some other guy behind your back and breaks up with you to be with him? wouldn't you feel like a chump?

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