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I can't deal with the recoil.

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I'm a . For the third time I lied to my "girlfriend" that I wasn't looking at porn. Since she only gave me one more chance, now she doesn't love me anymore. She hates me. I feel so horrible. She gave me a chance to win her back, and I looked at porn again. They are just stupid pictures and I just had to look at them. She wants a guy who does not lie and does not look at porn which means she doesn't want me. In only 24 hours we go from saying I love you to each other to this:


*******: my sister is at the arcade

*******: and i think shes lying

how is she lying

*******: thanks to you

*******: i can spot a liar a mile away

*******: oh and disgusting worthless humans

how is she lying

*******: nevermind

*******: it doesnt concern you

*******: we arent even really friends

*******: so why would i tell you?

because i asked about it

*******: so what

*******: you don't matter



Everything around my house reminds me of her. Sitting here reminds me of her. Looking at the stuff in my room reminds me of her. I fell asleep crying last night. I woke up crying.


She's blocked me on Myspace, Facebook, Livejournal, and even on another forum we both go to. She's blocked my email. She's blocked all my screen names. If she wanted to, I wouldn't be able to speak to her at all. She's thrown everything away that I've given her. I asked for some of it back, but she said she would rather throw it away. She deleted gifts I've given her on Facebook. She's removing me from her life.


It's my fault that I lied to her and it's my fault that I look at porn. If I loved her, I wouldn't have looked at porn and lied. I regret it. I can't take it back. She is done with me, but I am still always thinking about her. I don't know what to do. I just want to lie down and die.

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Im really sorry to hear what your going through. you know what? i use to be like how your girlfriend was. I use to go mad if my boyfriend promised he wouldnt look at porn then he did and it would really upset me coz i felt like he wanted other girls and i wasnt attractive enough.

I have eventually realised that im the one whos got the problem, and that porn isnt anything important. Okay u shudnt have lied to her but i think you should try and explain that it doesnt mean anything to you and you know you shouldnt have lied to her. maybe she just needs to hear that you dont want these girls your watching you just want her.

dont beat urself up about it too much, because finishing you because you looked at porn is silly, trust me i no coz i finished sum1 because of it and regretted it straight away!!


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Twistedwhispers, You cant say that! Porn is a serious issue in some cases. Alot of guys are addicted to it+it is ruining there lifes!! Are you addicted OP??


It is not a silly reason for your GF to have left you AT ALL. She made it clear to you that she does not accept her BF looking at porn, you chose to look at it even though you knew what would happen.

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I know it's not a silly reason. I can't cope with this. I want her, but I don't want to do it again. I can have her back if I go to sex addict meetings and install covenant eyes on every computer in my house. She would have gone with me before, but I looked at it again so now I am all alone. I just can't cope with it.

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I've tried giving it up, but I always give into urges.
Does it significantly affect your life outside this relationship? ie. finances, ability to hold a job, etc?


If not, then find yourself a girlfriend who doesn't mind that you look at porn.

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I always end up looking at it anyways. Perhaps I need seek salvation?


Does it significantly affect your life outside this relationship? ie. finances, ability to hold a job, etc?


If not, then find yourself a girlfriend who doesn't mind that you look at porn.


No, it doesn't. It affects us. I don't want to find another girlfriend. I love her, and I can't get her off my mind. I'm antisocial, and I don't like talking to people. She is the only one I can openly talk to face to face. I can't get over her.


She is my first love.

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I am of a mind that there's absolutely nothing wrong with porn. Some people enjoy it, some don't. If someone makes you feel guilty for enjoying it, perhaps they are not the right person for you.

I'm sorry you have taken this so hard. I find it sad that you feel like you are a bad person and have to change for her. You aren't and you don't.

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I always end up looking at it anyways. Perhaps I need seek salvation?




No, it doesn't. It affects us. I don't want to find another girlfriend. I love her, and I can't get her off my mind. I'm antisocial, and I don't like talking to people. She is the only one I can openly talk to face to face. I can't get over her.


She is my first love.

Well, you can always look into SA if you would like to give it up. Good luck!
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What you need to do is steal her heart away! But her a bunch of roses and send it to her school/work. Write a long letter to her, stating how you feel. Then what you need to do is PROMISE to her. Even better, buy her a gift of what she really likes/needs and send it.


Once yous are back together, promise to her and swear on oath that it won't happen again, coz it WON'T. Take her to church, and swear to god even.

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