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So now I'll just follow the laws of attraction

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This kind of reminds me of when I was in fourth grade. I saw this girl sitting accross the classroom with a pony-tail and glasses. I had a pony-tail and glasses too. So I thought to myself, me and this girl, we will be best friends.


Well a couple days later, the seating arrangement was changed. I got to sit right next to her and we became best friends, well up until 6th grade.

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Not sure how it works really. But I do know that a no longer look for parking spaces. Just last night I went to meet frineds at a busy bar that is always tough. I drove into the lot and said, I forgot to manifest parking. I thought one will open, and as soon as I turned down the next aisle a lady pulled out in front of me. If all I get out of the whole thing is quick and easy parking, I can live with that!

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I've also read the book. It's hard to keep positive and I think it's definitely to slip back into negative thinking and I definitely struggle with that a lot. I guess you just kind of have to work at it. As far as getting back together, I assume a lot of the times the dumper is thinking more about their life without you and visualizing how much happier they are now.

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Not sure how it works really. But I do know that a no longer look for parking spaces. Just last night I went to meet frineds at a busy bar that is always tough. I drove into the lot and said, I forgot to manifest parking. I thought one will open, and as soon as I turned down the next aisle a lady pulled out in front of me. If all I get out of the whole thing is quick and easy parking, I can live with that!


LOL. The parking spaces sure come in handy! Since I started the positive thinking I've had very good luck with that! And I tried it out during the holiday, busiest days at the mall. It's really weird how it works, I didn't even wish it that bad.


I'll try and get the book then to see if it'll clear up some of the stuff I'm having trouble with. Maybe I am too skeptical, but I'll just try and keep believing it regardless. It might be good opening up to different beliefs after denying everything I couldn't explain for so long. I mean, I believe in gravity and electricity which seem just as impossible, so why not?

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I'll try and get the book then to see if it'll clear up some of the stuff I'm having trouble with. Maybe I am too skeptical, but I'll just try and keep believing it regardless. It might be good opening up to different beliefs after denying everything I couldn't explain for so long. I mean, I believe in gravity and electricity which seem just as impossible, so why not?


Do some introspection. Look at the things that have come to you in your life and try to recall what how you were reacting. As me and my wife were starting to have problems I began to focus negativity towards her, rather than being positive we could work things out, which at the time we easily could have as she did not want a divorce. But I manifested a divorce in my exepreience and it came to be. Negativity produces more negativity. Thats why they say, careful what you wish for!


Last month I was planning to move to Florida. I had to interviews and I went to each with the attitude that I was going to get the job. Each made me an offer the next day. I never had that kind of response while interviewing. The really weird thing was it was on that trip that I learned about LOA.


One thing you will learn from the book is that your thoughts generate your experiences. We are just not aware of what we are thinking sometimes.

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The LOA is a very interesting concept indeed. For what its worth, here is my recent example. I really wasn't even trying to actively do the LOA. But a month or two ago, I was very worried about who would be my roommate next year because almost all of my friends are graduating while I still have 1 more year of undergrad left. A few weeks ago it seemed like my only option was living alone. But then I thought to myself, "I won't worry about it anymore, something will turn up. I will have a roommate next year." Well, several weeks later over Spring Break, one of my friends contacted me telling me she was staying at our university for grad school after all and was looking for a roommate! (Keep in mind she applied to several others, but she got waitlisted or turned down by every school except the one we are currently attending) Well needless to say I was overjoyed, and I just KNEW something would work out for me, and lo and behold it did! Coincidence?....

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LOA is awesome, today i decided to test it out. I was visualizing, the perfect route walking down to downtown, no red traffic lights when I cross the road whatsoever, and nobody lining up for the buses im going to take back up to my place. And guess what, it was perfectly smooth, i only had to stop once at the one i expected will stop, cuz the red light is extremely long there, and the bus queue was free, and i was the first one on.

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The weirdest thing happened today. I saw this guy from my class that I like and thought, how cool would it be if he came here and kissed me hello. Guess what he did next? He never does that, he usually just says hi as he's walking by. Even my friend who was standing in front of me didn't understand why the hell he stopped to say hello like that. She got the same hello as well once he noticed she was there. It was truly strange, I couldn't believe it


Oh yeah, I also thought I wouldn't get anything for easter because I didn't ask for anything and my parents don't really think it's necessary. But deep down I knew there'd be SOMETHING for me. When I wake up on sunday there are two of my favorite chocolate bars waiting for me. Then after that I think, there's more coming my way. What happens today? My friend gives me some chocolate for easter as well! Maybe this attraction thing works after all!

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Great information.....if I wasn't doing NC I would send the link to "the secret" to my ex


I found out my mom has the book, I'm gonna borrow it from her today.


Get the book on CD. Its really inspiring. Pop it in in the car and leave it there!

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I've found that even having the DVD (and I imagine it would be the case for the CD) playing in the background - where you're not exactly listening to it, but you're hearing the positive messages from the speakers- is really a helpful thing. I spoke to a relative of mine on the phone a few weeks ago and he had a lot of negative things to say (I wasn't going to talk to him about The Secret cause I knew he'd say it was a crock)- when I hung up that phone, I was worn out, and feeling down. But then I put The Secret DVD on and went about my apt doing chores and I started to feel better.

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I had an unfortunate twist to my LOA coincidence. I happen to run a red light at an intersection that had the camera tickets. So I started to worry I would get a ticket. Then I thought of LOA and said that I better not think about it. But the more I tried not to think about it, I actually did think about it. I didn't get the red light ticket but about a day later, I ended up getting a parking ticket instead which I haven't had in years. Coincidence?

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i watched the first 10 min. of the video.. it was kind of scary! ha! i feel like i'll have nightmares with issac newton trying to kill me in a flash of lightning or something! maybe i should watch it at another time other than 1 AM!!


and, well, i'm a huge cynic, so i already have about 3 billion criticisms of "the secret," but, uhm, i guess i'll keep them to myself!

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If you apply positive thinking and believe that positive things will happen....they will, because you are *looking* for them.

Positive thinking doesn't necessarily make things happen, it just changes one's perspective.


"The Secret" can be dangerous when not viewed objectivley.


The biggest legacy of "The Secret" will be to make alot of money from alot of vulnerable people.

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If you apply positive thinking and believe that positive things will happen....they will, because you are *looking* for them.

Positive thinking doesn't necessarily make things happen, it just changes one's perspective.


"The Secret" can be dangerous when not viewed objectivley.


The biggest legacy of "The Secret" will be to make alot of money from alot of vulnerable people.


I agree. I do believe it is true your thoughts create your experiences. I could go on and on with my own evidence, BUT I believe majord is right because most people who view The Secret will try to male themselves millionaires, not really do all that is required of Manifestation through the LOA and say "Hah that doesnt work", Most people will not do the meditation and visualization that is really required. They will just say "I want to be a millionaire". They wont do anything to help their manifestation.


As far as the movie being frightening, I havent seen the movie, but the book on CD is very exciting and inspirational.

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the first 3 or 5 minutes is very hokey and melodramatic and cheesy. The director seemed to feel some need to build up this big story that the laws of attraction have been heavily guarded for centuries, blah blah- that's all hokum and show business to me. I just picked up a book the other day from 1988 that discussed it, as has Tony Robbins and others for a long time. Rather than draw me in, that first 5 minutes or so almost turned me off from watching the whole thing. But I'm glad it didn't.


I do think the law of attraction has a lot of validity, and the biggest thing I took away from The Secret is the power of positive thinking and gratitude. Again- not new concepts- but it's great to see people talking about them under 'one roof' (or one DVD).

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Here are some interesting links on the LOA:


This one explains why you probably cant manifest an ex back:


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This one is a good lesson on how to employ the LOA


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Those are very interesting links, thanks


I understand now what you meant about the ex thing. It's weird how this LOA thing seems to be working, and I'm not even putting THAT much effort in it. I still find it very hard to believe, but some weird things have been happening. The parking space thing is great. Yesterday I got to college late AND for night classes when it's impossible to park and just signaled I would be turning right as soon as I got close to where I wanted to park and just kept going, I hadn't even seen an empty spot yet, and what do you know! A parking space! Sure there was this other person who signaled he was going in as soon as I stopped in front of it, but hey, I signaled it first!

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It's completely true, 100%.


Life is supposed to be magical


Since I learned the LOA and reflected on so many event in the past year, I am 100% positive it works. I am gonna start working on manifesting some things that I want to occur. Im positive they will happen!

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All the positive thinking is paying off! I just got a job today! And a good one too. Without even looking for it. A friend told me about it and asked me for a resume. Next thing I know I have an interview. And it's something that I actually like to do and that fits with my class schedule. I had the interview this morning, and they said they'd call me back by the end of next week. Somehow I knew I'd get it even before I went there for the interview. Early this afternoon they call me and ask me if I can start on monday! I couldn't believe how fast everything went! And I loved the place too!! It's so pretty, which is not very common where I live =D

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All the positive thinking is paying off! I just got a job today! And a good one too. Without even looking for it. A friend told me about it and asked me for a resume. Next thing I know I have an interview. And it's something that I actually like to do and that fits with my class schedule. I had the interview this morning, and they said they'd call me back by the end of next week. Somehow I knew I'd get it even before I went there for the interview. Early this afternoon they call me and ask me if I can start on monday! I couldn't believe how fast everything went! And I loved the place too!! It's so pretty, which is not very common where I live =D


That's great news! Congrats.

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All the positive thinking is paying off! I just got a job today! And a good one too. Without even looking for it. A friend told me about it and asked me for a resume. Next thing I know I have an interview. And it's something that I actually like to do and that fits with my class schedule. I had the interview this morning, and they said they'd call me back by the end of next week. Somehow I knew I'd get it even before I went there for the interview. Early this afternoon they call me and ask me if I can start on monday! I couldn't believe how fast everything went! And I loved the place too!! It's so pretty, which is not very common where I live =D


See Sup! I told you it will work. Not wait to see what comes to you when you really learn to use it!

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