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So now I'll just follow the laws of attraction

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After watching "The Secret" I'm now motivated to just stop obsessing about my ex and trusting (and visualizing) that he'll come back to me. When? I don't know. But meanwhile I'll be doing things that I like and make me happy, now that I see that I can be very happy without him. Sure I miss being with him, but if he's not sure of what he wants, there's nothing I can do.


I'll just think positive things and get rid of the negative people in my life. Two days into this I already feel so much better. Whether this law of attraction is actually true and works, I have no idea. It does seem a little far fetched. But I guess there's no harm believing it if it makes me happy and there's the chance it might work. It's not like I'll just sit and wait for things to happen anyway. Being more positive and optimistic can't hurt.


I actually did the parking space thing yesterday, and coincidence or not it worked =P

Along with a few other things. It does seem that the more positive you are, the more things happen the way you want them to and the happier you feel.


If you haven't watched the video, I highly recommend it.

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Oooo I bet this will be a sticky thread.


I do the parking spot thing all the time. I also did the lottery ticket thing too, even though I NEVER buy them! I think its great. Its hard to keep up on it though. Probably a good idea to watch the movie over again every so often to keep encouraged. Good for you on staying positive!

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It is completely true. I watched The Secret a year ago, and my life is COMPLETELY different. I've visualized/attracted my mate, our home, my job, and my life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with visualizing and believing...that is the most important thing.


If you believe it, then you will see it It's true...

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so you're telling me if i visualize a parking space, there will be one?! ha! i'm sure it's more complicated than that, but this all sounds a bit froo froo for me! then again, my aunt supposedly visualized away her cancer, so who knows....

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so you're telling me if i visualize a parking space, there will be one?! ha! i'm sure it's more complicated than that, but this all sounds a bit froo froo for me! then again, my aunt supposedly visualized away her cancer, so who knows....


Yeah, pretty much. I'm very skeptical about these things, and as I said, it might be not be true at all. But what I realized is that it can't hurt thinking that it works and trying it out, because at the very least, you'll be happy and when you are happy you attract happy people which in turn make your life even happier


Here's the link if you want to see it link removed


Hope it helps/motivates you as much as it did with me

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I look at it this way- it doesn't take a lot of imagination to make yourself believe the world and life sucks. And when you put your focus there- well, what do you know, that's alot of what pops up for you. It's like if you go to a party and in one corner of the room, everyone's cynical and bitter- but in the other two thirds of the room, people are more upbeat and enjoying themselves- well, if you choose to spend more of your time in that cynical bitter corner, then what a shock that you will come away having had a bad time.


But if you focus on the positive- have gratitude for the good things in your life- become more mindful of them- you enjoy yourself life more of the time, and when there are rough waters and disappointments, I think you just can navigate through them faster. It's like in that film "What the Bleep Do We Know", one of the scientists talks about the effects different emotions have on our cells. And when you primarily have one kind of thought, you'll end up with primarily one kind of mood. Meaning, if you're bitter, depressed, etc. most of the time, it's an almost self-fulfilling thing that you're going to remain that way. So, focus on positive thinking, it's more likely to begat more positive thinking.

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I have to say that I have started "testing' the law of attractions too! And I think it works. In the week that I started, I felt considerable changes in my mood and the interactions I was having with others. I had two new leads on jobs and felt more hopeful about my relationship and what form it will take in the future.


I find that the visualizations make me smile and feel good - if only for that reason it is worth it to do them. But I do believe there is more to it than that...


This is good old common sense taken to the next level. If we think that being positive obviously makes us feel good, this is more complex - our thoughts can play a huge role in how we live our lives. We do have control. It is possible to control and determine what happens in your life - you just have to grab the wheel and start steering. Actively and with conviction.

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The parking spot thing works. The gym I go to is impossible to park at. It used to take me 5 min to find a spot. Now one is there for me everyday. They tell you to start small to try things out. I decided to manifest finding a penny. The next day I picked up my bible which has been moved from apartment to apartment and around the house for 4 years, but I havent opened it. As a was reading Matthew Chapter 7 (Ask and you shall receive....) out of the bible slid a penny I used to use as a book mark. Talk about an eerie feeling!


The LOA is the same as what is described in the bible as faithful prayer. Its been used for 1000's of years and proves there is some greater force in the universe.


The thing about using the Law of Attraction to get your ex back is that your ex has thier own thoughts and visions. So even though you may be manifesting reconciliation, they may be manifesting moving to a new coutry. Cant say I haven't tried it either though.


They other key is you have to use extremely positive thought which is difficult when you are in the middle of an emotional breakup. You could end up manifesting them going farther away because when you think about the things you do not want (like losing them) that will come to you too.


If you want a better understanding of how to use the LOA, read "Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

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The thing about using the Law of Attraction to get your ex back is that your ex has thier own thoughts and visions. So even though you may be manifesting reconciliation, they may be manifesting moving to a new coutry. Cant say I haven't tried it either though.


They other key is you have to use extremely positive thought which is difficult when you are in the middle of an emotional breakup. You could end up manifesting them going farther away because when you think about the things you do not want (like losing them) that will come to you too.


I understand that. Maybe I'm delusional but I really think it will work. I'm past the real emotional part of the breakup, I'd say I don't have a fear of losing him anymore (or very little fear, but close to none). But maybe what is making me believe this harder is the fact that even my boyfriend said he tought he'd come back. And up until that video I was just so afraid that it wouldn't happen for some, now I've became motivated to let go of those thoughts and distance myself from things that might make me think that way (myspace, talking to him while he is making up his mind, etc.). Because whether it works or not, I'll at leat eliminate the possibility that it doesn't happen just because of the constant negative thoughts I was having


If you want a better understanding of how to use the LOA, read "Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.


Thank you for the suggestion, I'll try and find this book. I'm not sure they have it in my country but I'll look for it. I just bought Joe Vitale's book "The Attractor Factor". I hope it's just as helpful.

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I understand that. Maybe I'm delusional but I really think it will work. I'm past the real emotional part of the breakup, I'd say I don't have a fear of losing him anymore (or very little fear, but close to none). But maybe what is making me believe this harder is the fact that even my boyfriend said he tought he'd come back. And up until that video I was just so afraid that it wouldn't happen for some, now I've became motivated to let go of those thoughts and distance myself from things that might make me think that way (myspace, talking to him while he is making up his mind, etc.). Because whether it works or not, I'll at leat eliminate the possibility that it doesn't happen just because of the constant negative thoughts I was having



Hey dont get me wrong, I visualize each and every day that my ex is gonna return and I believe in my heart she will. And right now with the way things are its an almost impossible thing to see. But I found No Contact while looking for answers to get reconciliation, so maybe it is working. But along with visualizing her return, I have added other manifestations that I want that will play along with her return. Like learning her language and planning to travel to meet her parents in Belgrade.


The thing you will learn is most important is that while you visualize something, you also have to make your life ready for that. Im not gonna magically learn Serbian so I bought books. And plane tickets to Belgrade are not gonna drop in my lap so I dedicated a savings account for it. Now I am working towards being prepared for my manifestion. So if my visualizing our reconciliation does occur, I will have been ready to receive what it is I asked for. I also am preparing a new house and will maintain space for a mate, hopefully her but maybe it will be someone else? You have to leave room for your manifestation to come in.


The simple fact is, everything The Secret and LOA teaches is in the Bible, written 2000 years ago. So there must be some truth to it, not from a biblical sense but from the fact that it has been practiced for that long. But the most important factor in both prayer and LOA is the fact that you are expected to believe and be thankful as if you have already received what you wish. That is the key.


I have 2 books that have been my guides for a month. The Law of Attraction and the Holy Bible. I have found alot of comfort in both, and I was never before a spiritual person. I dont use either to stoke false hope. I use them both to gain positive thought.

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finally watched this video since I have seen a lot of people on here talking about it, and I have to agree with both super and puck. While it may seem a little out there, there is no reason not to believe and visualize in the positive. Instead of having mixed feeling about the ex-returning and then not returning and making my brain sore. I am going the think positively that things will work out for us. There is no harm in doing it because it will make me feel good to think that way. Yes it also has to be what he wants, but what is wrong with positive thought. I am going to believe he wants me as well, as I can not see any real reason that he would not. I have noticed, that in the whenever I have a strong negative belief it always seems to come true down to very exact detail of it. Furthermore, I have decided to stay away from all the negative boards and to stop posting snobby ones myself to re-direct my mind in a more positive direction. I believe that he will come back to me. Like puck I also found the 30 days no contact when I was looking for answers.

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I couldn't agree more with you. I know what you mean about preparing for the manifestation. Things will not just magically fall from the sky. I'm not a very religious person, I don't agree with a lot of things on the bible. But that's beside the point. I do feel like I found something I can maybe believe in, or at least follow. And that makes me feel a lot better. Of course I'm not gonna just sit and wait for him to come back, I'm gonna live my life and when he comes back, great. If I still think I'd benefit from the relationship we'll get back toghether. If it doesn't work out as I want it to work out right now, that's fine. It means there's something better out there waiting for me, the good things I'm hoping my ex will provide might be attracting somene who will be even better than him. All I know is I'm done with pessimistic thoughts because that's another thing I realized. Nearly everything I was so afraid would happen to the relationship happened. Or was on it's way to happening. So if it "worked" for the bad thoughts, surely it will work for the good ones.


I am trying to leave room for the manifestation to come in as well. I'm changing what I've been doing wrong, I'm learning to be a better person. Hey, I attracted him back once (without even knowing about this), I can do it again

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I think you should do just that. I've been reading your posts and I was very much like you the first 2 or 3 weeks after the break up. I actually saw the no contact method on a book (It's called a break up because it's broken - very funny book). But dismissed it because I wasn't ready to try that. I did do shorter periods of no contact but responded to contacts from my ex. That just made me nearly crazy because I'd be wondering all the time if he was talking to me as friends or if he wanted something else, because he'd say some weird things (turns out he wanted something else, but I went through a lot of suffering before that happened). Anyways, I obviously wasn't ready for him to come back. I hadn't changed all that much. He wasn't all that ready either, and now he's trying his luck as single life to find out what it is he really wants. So this time I'd actually told him not to talk to me unless it was to talk about getting back toghether, so this way I won't expect him to talk to me or anything. I even asked what he tought would most likely be his decision: come back to me or not. He said come back. And the we said goodbye and he kissed in a way that I went home SURE he'd be back. But then I started second guessing myself for a while, broke NC, saw him, kissed him, regret it. And then when I was decided to try and get him back, I found the secret. And it made me so much happier about life in general. I realized that I really can be happy without him (and maybe I wasn't so happy with him lately after all). It just changed me for the better in so many ways and really motivated me to eliminate negative thoughts (and people, or at least their negativity) from my life.


Anyways, this is way too long, but I hope it helps you as much as it's been helping me

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My only worry with people using the LOA to recapture an ex's interest is that you may not move on and you give yourself false hope. The fact still remains that your ex is of their own free will and even if you manifest love from them they still have the ability to choose. I noticed around the same time I started to visualize my ex loving me more and returning she became more angry in her attitude towards me. I rationalize that as her knowing she has feelings but being too hurt to give us a chance. From what her friends have told me, she is fooling herself with the new guy she has started dating. I think her anger towards me is part of her trying to force herself to move on rather than face her feelings. But thats only my opinion. I dont know that for sure. My opinion is you can't be too angry at someone that you are indifferent towards. If it were me, andd I was happy with someone new, I wouldnt care enough to get mad. I've since turned to NC to get out of her hair and let her miss me. She will because I believe positivly she will! I believe she couldnt forget about me if she tried!


That said, YES it is a nice to use positive thinking to regain our ex. But are you really willing to spend you life waiting for something someone elses free will will dictate? I think the points SD makes on healing and loving yourself first are the most important. The Secret tells you to love yourself first and others will radiate to you. Like I said, every day I visualize reconciliation, but I also make sure I am a little more healed each day.


More important of all this is true love. If given time, true love will return. It always does. Most people just arent ready for it when it does. But remember any reconciliation has to be a new start, not a contnuance of the broken. In order to successfully manifest a new chance, you need to prepare for your reconciliation by healing you first. I began to change the issues that I felt were my faults in my marriage. Otherwise if my manifestation came true, it would mean the relationship would last.

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Thank you for the suggestion, I'll try and find this book. I'm not sure they have it in my country but I'll look for it. I just bought Joe Vitale's book "The Attractor Factor". I hope it's just as helpful.



Which country are you in? Could you order via Amazon or Barnes and Noble's website/ If not I would be willing to help you out. Its an amazing book. Actually, I went in to B&N to buy The Secret. They were sold out so I wanted LOA, I turned around and it was right behind me! Also eerie feeling. I read it in 2 days and have place many notes within it to help with manifestation.

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The Law of Attraction is a very powerful tool to get what you want:


1) You must really want it. Whether it be your a life partner, a job, car, peave/ love... you must be able to inhibit ANY negative thoughts from overcoming your positive ones. One way to do this is think positive no matter what happens. Often we complain, criticize, protest... all to to avail. because all this energy is not spent to actively trying to do somthing about it.


2) You must actively want it. You cannot be a brain in a vat or a vegeatable lying on a bed merely focusing on waht you want. You want it, you go GET it. You can think you know Spanish. You can think you will be fluent in Spanish, but you must also learn it. It's like a hockey game, a loss is only a loss if you got nithing from it.

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Which country are you in? Could you order via Amazon or Barnes and Noble's website/ If not I would be willing to help you out. Its an amazing book. Actually, I went in to B&N to buy The Secret. They were sold out so I wanted LOA, I turned around and it was right behind me! Also eerie feeling. I read it in 2 days and have place many notes within it to help with manifestation.


I just went to amazon to look for the book. Which one do you have? The one by Michael Losier or the one by Esther/Jerry Hicks? I'm in Brazil. I'm pretty sure they still ship here but last time I ordered something it took forever and was quite expensive


So I'll try and look for it here, maybe I'll find it here on some of the places that sell used books. I'm halfway through the Attractor Factor and it's actually making me doubt the whole thing instead of making it more clear to me.


I see you point about waiting for the person forever. I guess I wouldn't be doing that. I'm slowly getting over him, I think, and accepting that we have to be apart for now. I'm not looking for a new relationship but would be open to it if I found someone who was worth it. Argh, I don't really know what to think anymore. I just hope I manage to stay positive about things. This LOA thing was really motivating me but now I'm starting to find it a little too far fetched.

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I have the book by Hicks. Its very good.


I dont find it far fetched at all. Its just that you have to give your full awareness to what it is you want. Your mind always wants to enter doubt. The book will tell you how to release doubt.

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And also, I have searched high and low and have found no evidence that anyone has manifested an ex back. I think you have to put your faith in true love for that to occur.


Like I said, I believe my ex will come back. Thats my manifestation but I also know her and I know how much we loved each other. We just let our own stubborness defeat the true love.


I use the LOA to reach out to her to recognize our love. Remember the key to LOA is "like attracts like". Our feelings of love are both like. Her's are just more suppressed right now. Thats what will give us the first step.

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And also, I have searched high and low and have found no evidence that anyone has manifested an ex back. I think you have to put your faith in true love for that to occur.


Like I said, I believe my ex will come back. Thats my manifestation but I also know her and I know how much we loved each other. We just let our own stubborness defeat the true love.


I use the LOA to reach out to her to recognize our love. Remember the key to LOA is "like attracts like". Our feelings of love are both like. Her's are just more suppressed right now. Thats what will give us the first step.


Yeah, I guess the true love might be the best option. If it's him then it's him that I'll attract. Is that what you meant?


I started finding it far fetched when I read Joe going on about curing cancer, and blindness and things like that. Like I said before, I'm very skeptical. And he goes on and on about attracting money and explaining how he did it. And all he did was charge a ridiculous amount for online courses he'd give and e-books and things like that. I guess I just find some of the stuff he says contradicting, because he does say at times he didn't think something would happen and it did anyway.

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Oh, and I was listening to this audio book or whatever that is by Hicks, and well, it got this the part where Abraham "talked through" Esther, and can I just say they kind of lost a little my credibility there. Not to mention I found it a little creepy and scary. I'm such a baby


Is the book like that at all?

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The book is exactly like it. The LOA is truly not for people that are skeptical, but the book does provide answers to some of the skepticism. Keep in mind to the teachings of the LOA are similiar to the teachings of positive prayer. The bible is full of people who said God spoke through them.


I often wonder with both this and prayer if the cop out oon not receiving something from either is to say "Well you didnt fully believe". The best thing to take from it all is it is proven that positive thinkers tend to get what they want. If you think about a positive relationship, one may come to you. It just may not be your ex!


Also remember there are many documented cases of people using positive thinking to overcome disease.


Also, the worlds greatest athletes are able to visulize their performance before they compete.

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