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When you realize you're with a "minute man"


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its not a light issue, so don't treat it lightly for the sake of courtesy or pity.


Pity...would be an absurd reaction. Technically, there is nothing "wrong" with people that suffer from this. In our society however, people tend to view it as though it's a handicap. But it's a very prevalent problem. If you date a lot, chances are you will run into this issue with someone you like. I think it's just a quiet problem now, it will have very normal treatments one day and people will be more willing not to view it as a mental disorder.


Well, all I can say is, if you would plan on staying with the guy for quite some time, don't pretend like its not a big deal. Otherwise years down the road you will be frusterated but he will be confident that it doesn't matter to you, and eventually, IT WILL MATTER. It can be flattering, but the flatterness will soon wear off and you will just want to HAVE SEX!


Don't be mean about it, but do make it clear that you need your satisfaction too, whether it be orgasm or not, you need more than 1-5 minutes. Make him play with you for a while after or even before. Or, you can always just wait a few minutes and get him to go again!


Great advice. And if it's too much work for you then you have every right to go where your needs are fulfilled.

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