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Crush on a grocery store clerk... help?


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There's a cute clerk at a grocery store where I live. He works nights when the store is nearly empty (I go there 10-11 pm because of my schedule). I've talked to him three times so far, each time making small talk with him, flirting a little bit.


Tonight, an older female clerk was at the checkout and he was cleaning stuff in the produce section. No one else was in the store. I saw him looking at me a few times while I shopped. Then, when I was paying the female clerk, he walked up and started talking to her about tomatoes (?) and kept glancing at me, but didn't say anything to me. It was kind of strange.


I don't know how to proceed from here. I don't know his name, if he's single, if he's even someone I'd want to date... but I want to find out. Any ideas on how to do this? I'm thinking of saying something like, "Too bad you work here at night instead of hanging out with your girlfriend" or something, to see how he responds, but I'm not sure. Any advice would be very appreciated!

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Perhaps you could try to get his email address,maybe talk about computers or something.You could take the plunge[ask him out for coffee] in a brief ,to the point email.If he doesn't respond or isn't interested just do your shopping at a different time or store.

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Last weekend a girl came to my store and I helped her but felt a connection between us. The next day she came back, this time saying "I know this is going to be awkward but I'd like to go on a date with you if you'd like that too."

I gave her my number and we're dating now. I was interested in her and even if I wasn't, nothing to lose really. So why don't you just go and ask.

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Keep buying tomatoes at 10:30 PM. Something's BOUND to happen.


In other words, the more familiar the face is, the less of a stranger it becomes. Take those opportunities to elevate the getting to know you process, name exchange, topics like that God awful Sanjay on American Idol and then blamo! Next thing you know, you two will be eating tomatoes in the meat locker in no time.


But do it as soon as possible. The longer you/he hangs around, the situation turns from exciting to boring to frustrating.

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Thanks for the advice, everyone. I'll try to move the conversations a little further and get his name and such. I'm also worried if I go there too often, I'll look like some loser who lives at the grocery store

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Thanks for the advice, everyone. I'll try to move the conversations a little further and get his name and such. I'm also worried if I go there too often, I'll look like some loser who lives at the grocery store


I go to my grocery store just about everyday!

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This would be the time I would normally make a wise crack involving putting him up on the checkout counter so they scan the barcode on his butt. But I will spare you that.


I am a fan of the "no bs" direct approach. If you want it that bad, go for it.

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he doesn't wear a name tag? i would think he would although i never notice anyone's name tag. look at his name tag!! and then you could say, "hey [insert name here]." yeah, definitely look at his name tag before you ask what his name is. or you can ask what his name is, he'll look at you funny and then point at his name tag and you'll both laugh about it and then when you guys start dating, you'll have a funny story to tell your friends and family.

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In these kind of situations, is it up to the customer or the person working there to make the first moves? I'm kinda in the same situation with a waiter and both sides kind of know the other is interested as our friends have dropped in comments but neither have made any solid moves apart from small talk.

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i think it is off limits for the worker to make the move. could lose your job. customers should do it.


also, if you are looking for his name, does he have a name tag. when you are walking out of the grocery store, say thanks _____ (his name). he will probably look at you like, how'd she know that? then point out that it's on his nametag. lol. your lines will be open after that.

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