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Without seeking, without looking, it finds me.

A warmth that melts me into a living breathing puddle.

Heart pounding, stomach tickling, head floating.

Without one. One within reach. Two. I feel you close to me.



The cycle repeats. Order, life.


Without thinking, without planning, it snags.

A weight pulls me down - a rock on the ground.

Chest heaving, tears rolling, silent screams.

Without one. One within reach. Lost. Where are you?



The cycle repeats. Chaos, death.


Without trying, without faking, it holds.

A hand encloses mine and balance returns.

Without one. One within reach. Reaching...

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Hey BB. Words are there to be interpreted, and meaning is given to the reader however they read it. The "ones" have multiple meanings for me. I didn't focus on "reborn" as much as I focused on "Without"...the word that comes up most...check link removed out.

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