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Just curious, real or fake breasts, guys?


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I agree! "More than a handful" is just stupid! I have small hands...so like B cups would be perfect for my hands...that won't cut it! My girl is 34 DD (fake) and I love em!



Well, mine are 36 C's. I did not want to tip over.

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I have been fortunate enough to experience both. I am also a booty guy.


The only problem I have run into with fake boobs is that I like to suck as much boob into my mouth as I can gently. That is easy to do with real ones, large or small. But with fake ones, it seems they are tighter and hurt more for her. But I have also seen what fakes ones can do for a woman's confidence and that is definitely worth their weight, pun intended.


I honestly don't care. But I have only seen one girl that I thought 'might' need implants, but b/c she was literally completely flat except for the nipple. She was still hot as hell and it didn't bother me one bit. Didn't detract from her overall body. I tend to see smaller boobs as more functional and less likely to cause problems later in life. I am happy with whatever is there.

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Ppl used to always ask me if mine were fake. Now that Im preggo it kind of balances out with the big belly!


I think fake within reason is ok. They shouldn't LOOK fake. If you have nothing (like how fryfly was saying) then fake isn't such a bad idea. If you already have nice breasts and get 400 CC's pumped in there you look just ridiculous. Ntm compliacations in breast feeding (if young girls get em), surgery, etc

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Just wondering, how would you know if someone has fake ones...


Personally, I really feel it doesn't matter. I have implants in my jaw bones because of a gross overbite. I still consider my jaw to be real. What matters is that you in a healthy relationship with your partner, not whether or not the boobs are "real."

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Just wondering, how would you know if someone has fake ones...


Personally, I really feel it doesn't matter. I have implants in my jaw bones because of a gross overbite. I still consider my jaw to be real. What matters is that you in a healthy relationship with your partner, not whether or not the boobs are "real."


They feel much different and they look different, too. It's fairly easy to spot, if you know what to look for.

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So guys you are lying. 9 out of 10 guys like the big boobies. The 10th likes other other 9 guys.


Are you kidding? Different strokes for different folks I guess. I'm not into big boobs. I've never tended to be drawn to the 'buxom blonde' kind of stereotype a lot of blokes seem to drool over. (Although, obviously, not saying here that full-figured blonde women can't be attractive, if they're hot, they're hot, no matter their body shape

If you were asking me to describe from a purely physical point of view what kind of girl I'd be sexually attracted to, I'd tell you about a slender, slim-hipped young woman with well-proportioned legs and a nice neck.


Whatever floats your boat, of course. I guess I've got nothing against breast implants (never come accross them 'in-the-flesh', you know, at least not close enough to get a firm grasp of the concept but breasts aren't everything... Or even a big issue for some men.

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personaly i like em natural and small, have been with one girl with giant breasts and i literaly didnt know what to do with em


i guess it dosnt really matter if their fake or not to me, as long as the surgery wasnt over done and they look good i am a happy camper


P.S. fnlyfrei your in your 40's?!?! first time i saw that avatar i guessed late 20's/early 30's. you look fantastic.

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I remember around 7 years ago there was a girl among my circle of friends with boobs that were almost big as watermelons. They were huge. Myself and all my guy friends were so intimidated by this girl. She towered over us (she was very tall) and with those big boobs, all of us were really scared of her. She was a nice girl, but I guess the way she looked was just intimidating. I am sure they were real, because no right minded girl would chose to have boobs that big.

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I'm proud to say I have non-gravity defying 34Cs and I wouldn't alter or enhance them in any shape or form.


I dated men who righteously proclaimed to be unbiased when it comes to a woman's breast size (whether they're real or not). Then later sinfully confessed that I have the best chest of all the women they've dated. LoLz I suppose it doesn't matter what size you are - if yours are natural(sagging) or augmented(perky), what matters is that you be confident in what you've got.


A male friend of mine calls once in a blue moon to check up on me. The first thing he asks is, "How are those t.its of yours?"

I reply, "They're still real, if that's what you're asking."

He just laughs.

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Does anyone feel like getting breast implants is like admitting you are ugly? I have sexy natural Cs and hearing women brag about how beautiful they feel after getting breast implants makes me just shake my head.

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Does anyone feel like getting breast implants is like admitting you are ugly? I have sexy natural Cs and hearing women brag about how beautiful they feel after getting breast implants makes me just shake my head.


Nah, I know some beautiful girls that have gotten them and it was mainly b/c they either 1. had low self-esteem or 2. actually wanted bigger breasts.


My girlfriend, for example, didn't have low self-esteem, just small breasts and wanted bigger ones. She's tall, 5'9, and was almost flat. It all depends on the girl.

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Does anyone feel like getting breast implants is like admitting you are ugly? I have sexy natural Cs and hearing women brag about how beautiful they feel after getting breast implants makes me just shake my head.


I only suppose women who are flat feel ugly when other women who have sexy natural "C"'s have your crappy attitude. Breasts do not do anything to improve your face...and if you are fat and flabby and out of shape they really dont matter either.... They just fill out sweaters, bras and bathing suits. I guess it is hard for some people to accept that something they consider their one asset can be faked quite well by anyone. Even transsexual men can get implants that look pretty good if you have the right surgeon. So big whiff.

I shake my head at females who have your superior attitude.

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I really have nothing to compare, both of the women I've been with have been natural, so I couldn't say if I have preference (as far as the feeling of them). However, I like boobs to appear 'heavy' and implants tend to defy gravity.

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I only suppose women who are flat feel ugly when other women who have sexy natural "C"'s have your crappy attitude. Breasts do not do anything to improve your face...and if you are fat and flabby and out of shape they really dont matter either.... They just fill out sweaters, bras and bathing suits. I guess it is hard for some people to accept that something they consider their one asset can be faked quite well by anyone. Even transsexual men can get implants that look pretty good if you have the right surgeon. So big whiff.

I shake my head at females who have your superior attitude.


Why not just buy smaller bras and tops? Small can be hot too. I like how smaller women can cover their chests with one arm and pull off some really cute tops that it would be impossible to hide a heavy-duty bra under. But if you still find yourself unattractive despite being small, implants will not make YOU sexier, you will not feel good about yourself you will feel good about some bags of silicone in your body. YOU, the real YOU remain just as unattractive as you were before.

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Yeah, whatever Dara....I feel fine, and so do the bazillion other women who got implants. Just because I got them doesn't mean I felt as you say UGLY....(meh) I was picked on my entire life for my size. So I really do not think anyone else can judge anyone who gets implants, or botox, or facelifts, or pec implants, or calf, cheek or hair implants. We do it because it is a personal choice. I am so happy you were born with your boobies. Hooray for you.

That is me in my avatar...I do not think I am ugly...or unlike some people..better than anyone else. You are entitled to your opinion of course.

I never bragged about my non-natural sexy C's.

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I have sexy natural Cs and hearing women brag about how beautiful they feel after getting breast implants makes me just shake my head.


So what if they feel sexy..or beautiful?? What gives you the right to judge and shake your head? And telling someone they should just buy a cute top is rather...condescending....espeicially with the above statement you clearly seem very satisfied and happy with your cup size. What if you were born without sexy natural C's? What if you had a few kids and your sexy natural C's hit your belly button after breast feeding? Turning into pedulous things with the areolas facing your shoes? Would you want everyone telling you that you did not have the right to change what you did not like if you could? Or would you just roll them up into your bra...that no longer fit...or just buy yourself a "cute top". And you yourself "bragged" and then admonished anyone else who "brags"....kind of undermined your point perhaps? My mother and sister (adoptive) both had HUGE breasts...they both had reductions...that is un-natural as well...they perhaps should have left them alone...but guess what...they had the means to change what they did not like about their bodies so they did it !!! Unless you have been teased, or picked on or had to wear certain clothes because your breasts...or any part of your body was too big or too small....you probably aren't the first person someone who was considering any type of procedure would talk to. Sheesh.

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I always go for the face first, if I like the face, then I'll look into the body build, hips and booty.


Breast preference? Well, they could be fake IF they look natural and are not too big. The kind of girl I always go for is usually flat or near flat chested, but if I could have it all, I would say a full B cup or a small C cup.


Breasts I hate? Fake boobs that stay round and perky when she is lying in the bed (or whatever she is doing, they just don't change shape), that dont' move, and nipples that do not point straight.


Breasts that make me yuck? Fake looking ones, and those that have stretched nipples pointing to the sky, with the implant sagging in the bottom, are barf inducing.



Oh, and implant surgery scars scare the heck out of me.

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I don't really like fake ones... Having said that I've never been with someone with fake ones, so I could be wrong


From what I've seen on TV / movies / etc. fake boobs just don't look the same, they look almost like cartoonish boobs.. I am sure there are different skill levels for the surgeon so the quality (naturalness) look better.


IMHO, big boobs do catch the eye, if you walk past a person with a tight fitting top or showing a bit of cleavage, your head turns almost involuntarily , so if you are not with the girl and just feeling a bit lustful, then nice boobs are easy on the eye. So all you big-breasted women wearing provocative tops can stop complaining about guys looking at your breasts


But once I get down to it with my gf, size really does not matter: I love the following things:

1) The soft feeling and the nipples

2) The intimacy level we are at that allows me access to her boobs, (i.e. the very fact that I can touch / kiss her there)

3) The thought that me touching her there is making her feel good!


For some reason (I may be wrong about this) but they look a bit firmer and thereforeeee I'd lose the softness. I also think the intimacy thing might be reduced a little if they were fake... it would just not feel as much like they are part of her And as for the third thing maybe someone here can address... Are you any less sensitive as a result? Probably not, but I just have this preconceived notion that you would be.

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Luckily, I had a great plastic surgeon....I have had curious girlfriends who have tested the firmness, comparing real and not real...and so far everyone says they feel real. My fiance' did not know they were not real until I told him. I told the Surgeon to use his better judgement as far as size goes...and he did, and I am sure he talked to the nurses in the operating room...so I had female input. I wanted to look proportionate...not strange. When I lay on my back they fall naturally...not into my armpits, but also not pointing at the ceiling like cantalopes either....like I said...you have to pick the right Doc...I researched it for two years before...and visited more than one doctor.

I guess my fiances' mother did not know either...till' I told her...and then she said the only thing she noticed is that they were "too perfect"..because, well, I AM 41, I have three nearly grown sons...and usually natural ones by my age are getting a bit droopy...many women go and get implants because they used to have firm breasts, but after nursing, time and gravity...they look not so good for some people. Many women get them after a mastectomy..some choose not to.


Mind did not lose sensitivity at all. Some do. As with most things in life, there are variables. I wouldn't judge a whole group on a few people's experiences. I had good results and a good experience. I wore a bikini for the first time in my life the summer I had the surgery. I hadn't worn a bathing suit without complete coverage before then for about 10 years or more.

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Luckily, I had a great plastic surgeon....I have had curious girlfriends who have tested the firmness, comparing real and not real...and so far everyone says they feel real. My fiance' did not know they were not real until I told him. I told the Surgeon to use his better judgement as far as size goes...and he did, and I am sure he talked to the nurses in the operating room...so I had female input. I wanted to look proportionate...not strange. When I lay on my back they fall naturally...not into my armpits, but also not pointing at the ceiling like cantalopes either....like I said...you have to pick the right Doc...I researched it for two years before...and visited more than one doctor.



Do you mind if I ask you how much $$$???


Truth be told, I usually go for small breasts, but my gf is WAY on the small side, basically her breasts have a perfect shape, but they won't fill an A cup properly...


Not that I'm going to tell her anything at all, I like her breasts and I have no problem with them being small, its just kind of a fantasy for me to think she could have a nice full B cup.

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