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pain and sadness may cause damage??


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hi, well firstly i want to let you know i'm in a LDR for 2 years and 3 months. just 1 month ago my bf was here in Peru. he comes from Holland. before he left i told him that everytime we have to say goodbye is getting harder and painful. this was the fourth time we were together.


lately i'm feeling very sad and sometimes when im alone i cry thinking why i can't be close to the one i love. when that happens i feel so miserable cause im not being strong for the relationship.


yesterday i sent my bf a nice e-card and called him just to give him a surprise. everything was good till i noticed that he didnt mention anything about my e-card. i was feeling so sad only for that and i told him he doesnt care about me and doesnt appreciate my e-card. i didnt start an argument but i said he's not able to cheer me up when i'm sad.


i know i made a drama of a little thing. but i'm so sensitive and now even more! i don't know what to do. please i need your help. thanks in advance.

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Yeah, I'm in a LDR too.. it's hard to be apart from someone you love. The pain builds up and you get sensitive over the smallest thing. I was actually pissed with my boyfriend 'cos he didn't come online on the time that he promised.


Perhaps he didn't see the e-card yet? I'm sure he appreciates it.. maybe he's busy that he forget to tell you thank you? I'm sure he has his reasons honey.


I cry all the time too, its normal to let out your sadness and emotions.. hugs babe, I feel for you.

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thanks rebecca he actually saw the e-card. i had to asked him if he saw it. he said he wasnt clear cause lately he's feeling sick. that's why i wanted to make him feel better by sendin the e-card. but i screwed it up cause of all these feelings


today we talked really short, i couldnt get on time so it was late, he was sleeping already so when i talked to him i said: you can continue if you want. he said it was ok but he noticed i wasnt happy so he said better he goes to sleep. i said it was ok and said bye and i hung up the phone without an I love you. till now i don't know why i did such bad thing](*,)


i was feeling bad for that so i called him some time later to say i was sorry but im not feeling good at all about yesterday. bad idea cause he was very sleepy and i woke him up. he said : i was sleeping. so i said it's ok and sorry and stayed quiet till he just hung up. before that he said: i love you.


i don't know what i'm doing. i can't explain him why this behaivor now. please help! i'm afraid of myself for all these feelings making me act like this

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lately i'm feeling very sad and sometimes when im alone i cry thinking why i can't be close to the one i love. when that happens i feel so miserable cause im not being strong for the relationship.

You should never feel misery when you arent near your loved one. From what you are saying, Audrey, I believe your problem has much more to do than just your relationship with your bf.


How is the rest of your life? Do you get along well with family? How would you describe your overall mood at any time?



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i don't feel misery cuase i can't be close to my bf. i said i feel miserable cause i think i'm not doing well for the relationship. i feel lots of sadness cause he's so far and i can't stand the distance.


i get along with my family of course, i have a nice relation with all of them. even with my relatives who care of me and i do for them. you asked about my mood, cuase i'd tell you that before this i used to be very carefree and like doing fun things with friends. but now i just see gray my picture. im crying most of the time.


you must think: only for that. i'm afraid yes

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