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Goddess of the Nighttime Skies


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Sleep for me cannot yet be

I need to stay awake and see

the pictures of a true beauty

who gently blows a kiss to me


If you must; go rest your eyes

I will gasp and moan my sighs

of lust and love and sad goodbyes

of neck and lips and breasts and thighs


If you must; go rest your eyes

I'll wait until the sun does rise

which truly is what I despise

darkening the Nighttime skies


Just sleep and I will dream of you

for now I'll simply say adieu

I really think I do love you

My Goddess of the skies.

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My emotions wrote that, although I don't think its entirely that good.


Do you like the signature because you recognize it (have you read Castaneda?) or do you just enjoy the idea?


I have not read Castaneda... if you would please PM me and point me in the right direction, I always appreciate finding a good read.


I like your sig...because I recognize it and yes... I enjoy the idea.

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Thanks. Here is my post about Castaneda (it never really took off Here are his 10 book series. If you do end up reading the books, don't get too into the debate on the authenticity of them. Just enjoy the stories and the meanings behind them...

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