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Speed Dating????


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Speed dating isn't available where I live but I don't think it would be for me.I am kind of leery around people I don't know ,so it would likely be kind of unsettling for me ,meeting 20 women in one night ,but I guess the point of it is if you can connect with only one woman then I guess it is worth the experience.

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I went to a speed dating event last year when I was in a relationship... relax guys, I was there for moral support for a friend who was single and looking for lurve. I told all the ladies I was spoken for and spent my 3 minutes with them talking up my friend who'd they meet right after me.

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That sounds inappropriate to me. I would not want to waste my time chatting with a stranger who had a girlfriend, much less because he wanted to help his friend -if the friend really needed that sort of help I cannot imagine he would be too attractive or desirable to a healthy, stable woman.

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Luckily, the women we met didn't take life/ dating that seriously. A couple I spoke to were in the same position as me - there for moral support for a friend. My friend doesn't need that kind of help but I was very jovially selling him to the women I met. Just having a good time...

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I believe it is misleading to show up at a speed dating event if you are not there to meet people on your own. The way it usually works, each person gets a set amount of potential matches - and typically you pay for that guaranteed number of potential matches. By being there, he is taking up one of those slots for every woman he sits down with. That is unfair, in my opinion.

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The way it usually works, each person gets a set amount of potential matches - and typically you pay for that guaranteed number of potential matches. By being there, he is taking up one of those slots for every woman he sits down with.


I hadn't thought of that. I guess in that case, a woman wouldn't be getting all of her money's worth if some of the slots were from people who weren't single. It was nice of him to give moral support to his friend, as these things sound rather frightening to me. But his friend should probably bring another single friend next time he needs moral support!

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