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Do you think the ex is feeling the same??


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Most are my friends, too - and I went through 3 engagements before this last one. In those cases, I knew I simply wasn't ready to commit, so I called it off, and we're still friends. None of them played abusive mind games like this one - he wants to blame it all on "dry drunk psychosis", and while I can appreciate that, I'm still left with the damage done.


At least in this case, I didn't bother buying a new bridal outfit. Though, I don't think I've got a good track record, and maybe I'm just not meant to be married. Indeed, I always saw myself as a "female Clooney", a perennial bachelorette, before I met the last one.


Yeah, that's it, I need to get back in touch with my "inner Clooney"!!

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No! I'm still friends with all of them. I was completely honest about not being ready, and they agreed it was best not to proceed. I called it off so early, it's not like invitations went out. It's true, I shouldn't have said yes in the first place, but I got swept up in the moment.


I was actually on the phone with one of them today. And one of them is now happily married with two daughters - it's so friendly, I send the girls (and the wife) birthday gifts. It would be very hard for me to believe any of them suffered broken hearts over me.

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I understand, I just wanted to know if any of them had been hurt and also if you're now experiencing what some people may call "karma" No offense intended because I do commend you for being hones with all 3 men that you could not go through with the marriage. It takes a good honest woman/man to be upfront as you have been and speak the truth.


I often wonder how many times "karma" has come back to haunt me for the mistakes I've made in my life and I guess when something goes bad in our lives there is something in our past to connect it to in regards to "karma"


Tha Gipp

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becareful of the bridges you burn!!!...you may just need to cross back over sometime down the road...


Tha Gipp


Now gipp, this I can agree with you on 1000%!!!! My ex will definitely try to cross back over down the road, if not for love then something else. As a matter of fact, I think that's why he has such a hard time letting go. He knows deep down that I always saw the best in him and catered to his inner goodness.

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Karma's a funny thing. Recently I ran into my ex and she had this look in her eyes of despair. Did you know there are two primary kinds of smiles, and that there is one that is easily faked? I could tell the smile on her face did not match the look in her eyes. This contrasts heavily with her feelings when she walked out on me.


Yet here I am feeling awesome. Her and I have essentially switched places with respect to how we feel. Karma is just crazy like that.

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Hello everyone,


Well I had posted this thread to get some ideas on what they may be thinking or feeling and I guess I got my answer yesterday. My ex emailed me to say thank you for sending the kids an easter gift package. She told me how funny it was when the kids get gifts how excited they get and how big their smiles are. She went on to say thank you for showing that I care for all 3 of them. She ended it with wishing my two daughters and my family well wishes and to take care and thanks again.


I havn't respnded to the email, it sounds like she's happy and for some reason today I'm taken back about all this. As of today 46days of no contact and it hurts still. I alway send money on the first and 15th to my ex and send a little gift to the kids each. I never get any thank you from her but only twice in the past 2 months. I know I'm doing the wrong thing by trying ot analyze this but I can't help it and for all I know it could very well be she's just moved on and everything is OK with her.


What do I do??? I'm not going to respond and I know that's probably the best I guess I'm just afraid of making her mad with not responding and making her feel that I could care less if she lets me know how the kids are doing. She's very analytical and very emotionally sensitive to the smallest things. I do have contact with the kids but it's through the kids grandmother. I'm just lost right now, confused,hurt,scared and very sad today.



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She did the right thing in sending a thank you message. But thank you notes require no response - you don't send a thank you note for a thank you note! If the lack of reply makes her angry, so be it. You are not responsible for her emotional sensitivity.


I'm sorry you feel sad today. But it's great to know you have contact with the kids, no matter who it's through - and even better to know how excited and happy they are to get your gifts. Stay strong, mate.

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