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Anyone Read 'My Sister's Keeper' By Jodi Picoult?


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I finished that book last week and it was really good. Maybe because it's the first book I've read for fun in about 3 years... but a really good read. The author is medically saavy and the multiple story lines are interesting to follow.


You won't regret picking it up!

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I finished that book last week and it was really good. Maybe because it's the first book I've read for fun in about 3 years... but a really good read. The author is medically saavy and the multiple story lines are interesting to follow.


You won't regret picking it up!


I haven't, but the title sounds familiar. What's it about?

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It was the first Jodi Picoult book I read and I loved it. I did find the ending a bit of a cop out (I wont say incase it spoils it for others) But on the whole I found the ethics of the storyline and the dynamics of the family great and thought it a brilliant book.



For the person who asked what it's about......A girl is concieved specifically so she can donate stem cells and bone marrow etc to her older sister who has Leukemia. When she is asked to donate a kidney as a teenager she goes to court to fight for the right to choose and goes against her parents wishes. If you enjoy courtroom dramas you will love this and many other Jodi Picoult books.

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It was the first Jodi Picoult book I read and I loved it. I did find the ending a bit of a cop out (I wont say incase it spoils it for others) But on the whole I found the ethics of the storyline and the dynamics of the family great and thought it a brilliant book.


Without giving the ending away I will say that I agreed that it almost seems like a 'quick and dirty' way to tie up loose ends and make things fit. But all in all it was an excellent book and very well written, lots of sub plots going on too and family dynamics were very interesting.

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I actually thought the ending was a twist. I didn't see it coming at all. I loved that book. Actually, I'm a HUGE Jodi Picoult fan. I've read four of her books now. I just finished The Tenth Circle last week and loved it. I read it in 3 days and it's almost 400 pages! I plan on getting through all the books she's written.

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Is Nineteen Minutes the new one? I'm getting that from my boyfriend's parents as a graduation present. I can't wait! I've read the Pact, but not Plain Truth or Mercy...I'll have to go find those


Yep- 19 minutes is the new one about the high school shooting rampage.


So far it's pretty good.

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