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Just broke up with first G/F of 3years& 3months

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H broke up with me yesterday. We have been going out for 3 years and 3 months. I am 21 and she is 22. We met in freshman year of college and everyone knows us as a couple. This was the first and only really serious relationship i had. We were BEST friends and did everything together. We hung out a lot together and never really had that many other friends. Maybe, we hung out too much. We had broken up a few times before, but got back together. This time it feels different though. Like I am REALLY broken up and need to move on with my life.


We are both graduating this June 2003. Anyways, I feel lonely and can't stop thinking about her. I just want to call her and try to get back together. But my logical sided tells me not to. She says she has become too dependent on me and can't stop being dependent on me until she has become an independent individual.


I feel sad and scared to be with out her. This quarter, we have an class together, but I don't know if i can be in it with her.

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The thing that i would do is give her time, she was your girlfriend for over 3 years so i'm sure shes gonna start to miss you, Its only up to you to stay strong and stick to being friends with her. Everytime that your are going to see her make sure u make her feel like a queen, give her a taste of what shes missing out on. I dont think sitting next to her in class is pushing it, you should , but PAY ATTENTION TO CLASS, and try to to put too much attention on her. Her attention should come after but dont go out of your way. I'd say use your best judgement, hopefully she'll eventually start to warm up to you, and it'll be like nothing has happened, and it would work out, best of luck to you.

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No ...if u need to get over her u need to stop seeing her. I went through the same thing buddy ... and sticking around to be "friends: was the worse thing i've ever put myself through.. But my breakup was different in that she started hanging out with other guys and totally ignored me...and that tore me apart and i forced myself to get over her and not wait for her return .... 4 months later i'm normal and happy and single.. i was with her for almost 5 years and im 25 ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been through the same thing as well. If you want a chance with her in the future, you cannot make yourself accessible. Always be nice, polite and don't show jealousy. Try and look happy when you see her. If you can, surround yourself with friends and as many women as possible. Don't call her, let her call you. When she asks to hang out, say you have other plans.


After you do this for a while, she'll come back. It may take a long time but when it happens it will be better.


If she doesn't come back... then you're meant to be with someone else.

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I know how ya feel. My G/F of 2 years broke up with me awhile ago. It is hard to get over it, but you have to try and fill your time with other things now. If you want to get back together with her, it will take sometime and you have to act like it doesn't bother you.


Make her feel like she's the one losing out and if she really loves you, she will realize that.

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