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Was it really that offensive?

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I was asked by a coworker today if I thought I would ever get remarried. Considering the odd time and place to be asking me a question like that, I decided to use my typical wit, and told her that after considering my options that I felt it would be better to simply have my appendix put back in. Of course she asked my why, to which I replied, "Because if I am going to be in that much pain, I'm going to do it to myself!!!!"


She told me that she took a little bit of offense to this remark. Of course I apologized (not intending to be offensive). It was only intended to be funny. Was it really that offensive.


NOTE: There is no possible way this person could have any intrest in me. To tell you why would involve telling her business, which is not my place. Just trust me on this.

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In a minor way, yeah...well maybe...I think she was trying to be serious and saw you as a bit flippent. Hmmm, try this one next time a lady asks...


"Get remarried? Hmm, I don't know. She would have to be rich of course, I need to be taken care of. And pretty, can't be looking bad if your going to hang with me.....by the way...how much do you earn?"


If that doesn't give them the hint, and make them laugh, then they are way too serious and need to back off! Cause you can be sure, they have someone in mind and are zeroing in for the kill!

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I don't think it was offensive. I think it's a better response than just telling someone "that is a personal question!" I think making a joke out of it is kinder because then they can think to themselves, "oh, I shouldn't have asked them that." Clearly she wasn't that quick to catch on though....

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???? what part of that was offensive..she asked and you answered honestly..who cares..

Actually, I answered sarcastically. But, she got my point, lol.

In a minor way, yeah...well maybe...I think she was trying to be serious and saw you as a bit flippent. Hmmm, try this one next time a lady asks...


"Get remarried? Hmm, I don't know. She would have to be rich of course, I need to be taken care of. And pretty, can't be looking bad if your going to hang with me.....by the way...how much do you earn?"


If that doesn't give them the hint, and make them laugh, then they are way too serious and need to back off! Cause you can be sure, they have someone in mind and are zeroing in for the kill!

First, she has known me for 20 years, she had to know I'd say something silly.

Second, that response just isn't my style, lol.

Huh. Maybe you should've said you were offended by her asking what's clearly a personal question when she's a co-worker. I mean, to some folks' way of thinking work is work and personal is personal and the two NEVER mix.

But I was not offended.

I actually think it was more offensive to ask you the question in the first place.

I don't think it was offensive, just a bit odd.

Um, no, it wasnt offensive at all.

If she was offended becuase SHE believes in the institution of marriage, then she is overly sensitive.


That is what puzzles me. She is not normally like that.

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Negativity about her sex? Kinda verges onto the "all women suck and cause pain!" point of view some men get (although some women get that about men too!).


I see it as a joke, but the above is my idea of why she might have been offended.

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When I read the title, I thought YOU were asking if her question was offensive - which to be honest, I thought it was a little: too probing and too personal. None of her business. So maybe just say to her "You raised very sensitive issues for me, which I'd rather not discuss in the workplace" or something. Don't like the sound of her at all!

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When I read the title, I thought YOU were asking if her question was offensive - which to be honest, I thought it was a little: too probing and too personal. None of her business. So maybe just say to her "You raised very sensitive issues for me, which I'd rather not discuss in the workplace" or something. Don't like the sound of her at all!


not a sensitive issue.

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Negativity about her sex? Kinda verges onto the "all women suck and cause pain!" point of view some men get (although some women get that about men too!).


I see it as a joke, but the above is my idea of why she might have been offended.


If I wanted to say that, i would have come out and said it, lol.

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