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Help with this girl. What do I do now?


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We've said hi before. We got out of class early friday and went to our next class. She sat down outside the building and started to read more of her book for class. I wrote a letter to her and took it to her and gave it to her. It said that I thought that she was beautiful and I called her history girl because she's in my history class and i don't know her name. Then I said "I don't hate history class but it is not my favorite subject. With you in class it makes the class more fun." I then quoted a line from one of James Taylor's songs. "Shower the people you love with love. Show them the way that you feel. Things are going to be much better if you only will."

Then I wrote this: "Enjoy studying for the history test this weekend." (Joke). See you Monday in history class.

As I walked away I saw her read the letter. I don't know what was going on inside her head. I meant love as in a friendly way like you are nice to someone. friends.


Today she just laughed with a friend in history class while looking in my direction and then walked with this friend to her next class. Then she talked to a couple of her friends and classmates while waiting for her class. I was standing down the hall waiting for my class and she and one of her girlfriends noticed me and they laughed and talked loud so i could here their conversation but they didn't say anything about me.

Then after class was over I saw her leaving with her girlfriend.

She didn't even respond to the letter or talk to me. I'm

confused. Should I talk to her on Wednesday or what? Does she need more time to think? I feel rotten that we used to say hi to each other and smile at each other and now she's avoiding me. I want to make right with us again. How?

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How old are you all?


I have to say that your letter was very sweet and obviously meant in the best way, but she may have been overwhelmed. She sounds very young and many younger folks have trouble dealing with overt displays of interest (such as your lovely letter).


I would say you have let her know you are interested and she is letting you know that she is not mature enough to handle your interest.


I would let this one go. Sorry to say. She is going to try and make you feel awkward to make herself feel good/bigger. An emotionally mature girl would have made a point to approach you, tell you she read your letter and give you some feedback one way or the other (she's interested or not). She didn't do that so it sounds to me that you should try to move on. Still be friendly with her, but don't watch her or keep an eye on her friends. That will only make you appear like a stalker (even though you are not one).


Next time you are interested in someone, I would try to talk to her in person...that way you can gauge their interest in person.


Best of luck to you and good for you for putting yourself out there!! You'll find a great girl.

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yeah, I think this is a lesson learned. Just the letter alone might have freaked her out, but adding 'love' in there- no matter how you meant it- made it HIGHLY likely she'd freak.


like the others said, it doesn't sound like she's handling it in a very cool way, so move on til you meet someone who is cool, and next time, get to know them better before you lay any letters on them.

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I've done the letter/email thing and it didn't work for me.I would just try and move on and forget about her.Perhaps a better idea might have been a small note asking her to get a coffee instead of a ''love letter'' but you did try so you can be proud of yourself .

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She is in my class abnd it is going to be hard to just ignore her. I wish I colud fix the whole problem and have everything ok between us. I hope I haven't gone past the point of no return.


You have. Far beyond. Unfortunately the real world isn't like the movies. You can't just walk up to a random girl and start saying stuff like this and have them fall for you due to your excessive romantic side. Unfortunately the real world will have this situation bite you in the rear and cause you to make a fool of yourself. It does not reward people for wearing their heart on their sleeve and spilling their guts to others.


In your story it sounds like the letter was made into a joke by her and her friends. It's not a friendly reaction from her but then again in the real world this can weird people out.


I suggest you keep coming to these forums and reading about relationships as well as asking for advice. You can learn a lot here. As far as this girl in particular. I seriously think you should move on.

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