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Out with the old and in with the new?


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ok, need a little help on this one. My boyfriend of one year and I broke up a couple of months ago. We had been fighting a lot and he broke it off saying that he was under so much stress with work that he couldn't give anything to the relationship. He said he needed some time but couldn't promise anything for the future. Based on this information, I decided to move on with my life and casually dated a few people. My ex called me a few times over the past couple of months but we never really talked about our relationship. A few weeks ago I started dating a new man...very nice, good guy...very attentive and seems emotionally mature. Too soon to know for sure but I think I could really like him. My ex knew that I had started to date someone else and I ran into him a few days ago (not with the new guy). Since then the ex has done a 360, calling me, saying that he misses me, wants me back, wants to work on things. He said he has been thinking about things over the past couple of months and missing me. There were communication problems in the past and he has spoken to me in a very disrespectful manner on a few occasions when we were arguing. He also was very emotionally withdrawn and I never got the affection I needed. He said he does not want to make excuses but that it was due to the stress he was under and that things will be better now. He never cheated on me or did anything horrible like that. I still love the guy but I didn't realize it until I saw him again - otherwise I never would have gotten involved with someone else. I also know that loving someone doesn't always make being with that person the right choice. So now I have to decide...give it a chance with the old boyfriend and give up this new guy...or keep moving on with my life. Can people change in two months? Is this just a panic reaction to my being with someone else? If I stay with the new guy will I always wonder about what could have been?

any thoughts would be appreciated.

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your old bf wanted to take a break & you found someone else. don't give up on the new guy right away. it seems like your old bf is just jealous & it probably is because he still has feelings for you. however, he did want to take a break. was he expecting for you to just wait for him? you found someone you like, so give this new guy a chance.

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