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We all encounter these types throughout our lives, people who control others through intimidation that manifests in so many ways. I have a very close relationship to a classic intimidator and I don't always know how to deal with it. Usually, I just tune the intimidator out when it comes to matters of my personal life, but when it comes to matters of others' lives, I feel a deep desire for justice and fairness.

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Hi, Dilly...first of all, it's natural to be intimidated by people like that if you yourself don't operate under the tactics they do. It's alien and frightening to witness people like that.


However, I bet you have sheer numbers on your side: a lot of people in your family who equally can't stand this person. If you are truly concerned this person is trying to seize your grand's assets, perhaps you and other members of the family could put a legal scare into them. Perhaps you could all pool in on a lawyer to represent you.

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