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There are so many things i want to say and ask my Ex. shes in town and been thinking about her lately even more then i have. shes no more then 2 miles away form me and working around the corner and its very hard for me. i know talking to her would be bad according to alot of you. and its been about 2 months since the breakup, and from her away messages it apears shes in love with someone else. And even saying I LOVE you to him. i just dont know how that could be when we havent even been separated 2 months. Anyway these are all the questions and things i want to say to her which im going to post, cause i know trying to talk to her would be no good. she just will ignore me and make me feel like i dont exist.... anyway,, here they are



*Why did you break up with me?

*Why dont you want to be my Friend?

* did you leave me for someone else? ( even though i kinda know already)

*do you hate me?

*why are you ignoring and avoiding me?

*Did i mean anythig to you?

*did you love me?

*Do you want me out of your life forever?

*do you ever think about Me?

*was it the distance that caused most of this? or the jeaoulsy and little fights and trust issues or just another guy?

*was i a mistake in you eyes?

*did i not love you enough? or give you what you wanted and needed?

*will you ever talk to me agian?

*was i a bad boyfriend?/person in your eyes?

*why havent you contacted me?

do you still care about me at all? even alittle?

Are you happy?

* also, if she is going out withsome like i suspect, how can you love him already and say you do to him only a month and 3 weeks after the breakup? i dont get it



Now things i want to say to her


How are things for you? i dont know how your feeling or what your thinking. but just a few things i wanted you to know. You not talking to me is making me feel like i dont exist in your eyes. that i meant nothing and you could care less.. you left me with a " im not happy" and nothing else. i know i didnt do anything horrible to you, i had my faults, no ones perfect and am learining from them. But i think i should at least get an explantion from you with having to constantly guess. I loved you and still do and i just cant simply turn that off within a 2 month period. I know that i cant change your mind and your free to do whatever you want. im not trying to get you back or make you feel bad. i just wish you would talk to me as a person and stop hiding and running away from all of this. I need to get an explanation to feel better and get over all of this. i dont understand what i did so wrong where you wouldnt want this to happen. where you wouldnt want me to be happy and get better. I mean things happen. people fall out of love for various reasons. I know the things i did to hurt the relationship by not trusting you fully and being needy and not as confident person as i was in the beginning. even if you talked to me now. i know contintuing talking would not make me get better and over this. i just wish you could find it in your heart to stop running away from this and talk to me like i derserve to be. i deserve to know. Even if you dont respond, i hope you the best, i really wish that you stay happy the rest of your life. i know that all of yor realtionships before me you have always been the dumper...... i just hope you never get to experience the feeling of being dumped.



i would say more but thats the main stuff i would want to say to her...

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And also i want to say this to her on AIM.



Hey samantha, I don’t know how this will go, But I hope you can find it in your heart to talk to me. I know that I shouldn’t expect a reply cause it seems to be making you feel better to not acknowledge me. But im just hoping. it really is making me feel like I don’t exist and never did to you. It would really help me get over this and be happy agian, I don’t know why you wouldnt want that for me. I cant stop you from running away from this like a lot of girls do. I just wish you could talk to me as a person. Please.....? Will you?


im so tempted to send it to her right now...... ](*,)

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And also i want to say this to her on AIM.



Hey samantha, I don’t know how this will go, But I hope you can find it in your heart to talk to me. I know that I shouldn’t expect a reply cause it seems to be making you feel better to not acknowledge me. But im just hoping. it really is making me feel like I don’t exist and never did to you. It would really help me get over this and be happy agian, I don’t know why you wouldnt want that for me. I cant stop you from running away from this like a lot of girls do. I just wish you could talk to me as a person. Please.....? Will you?


im so tempted to send it to her right now...... ](*,)


The problem is this will make you sound desperate to her. It probably won't appeal to her. If you approach her at all you want to be confident and happy and not talk about the relationship. Otherwise she will likely shut down and shut you out. But I really don't see how talking to her right now while you are obviously still hurting will help you. It will probably make you feel worse.

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well just say that i was going to send her somthing reguardless. what would you say to keep her attention and have the most possiblity of her talking to me. cause that seems like to be the best so far


If you must talk to her, then don't flood her with questions about the relationship and why it ended. That is almost guaranteed to cause her to shut down and stop talking to you. Talk about something else, anything else...school, work, the weather, whatever. Talk about the relationship will drive her away. Chances are she will be pleasantly surprised that you're not badgering her with relationship questions. Also, keep it short and sweet. That will prevent you from messing up and driving her further away and it will also allow her to see that your life doesn't revolve around her even if it feels to you like it does right now.


I highly recommend you don't talk to her right now as it doesn't seem that you're ready but if you must, then what I wrote above will hopefully help.

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i just feel like saying hi how are you, will just make her sign off line and ignore me. by saying what i had originally might make her feel bad into talking to me, but it would be the only thing and i would continue to talk about other stuff like that... Idk... im so lost. thank for your help though

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So i finally got my confermation. she is seeing someone else. her away message said "i love you and miss you, cant wait to be in your arms agian". she going back to college tommaorw. Made me feel so horibble. i just dont undersatnd how she could love someone so much and be like we were in only a month and 3 weeks after she broke up with me. hurts so bad.


But at least i know where it all stands, and can stop wondering why she left. ill never understand how she can love someone else so fast....... in all her prvious relationships she waited a long period of time before dating agian. and just makes me feel like i meant nothing and it took nothing to get over me.....


i hate feeling so bad and hurt, i wish time would fast forward and i can be over this.

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