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My girlfriend broke it off with me and I think she's stalking me now

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She broke up with me about 2.5 weeks ago and I immediately wanted to go the NC route. She called me back the next day crying and wanting sympathy, and I pretty much gave it to her. It was stupid, but back then I still had feelings for her. About 2 weeks passed before she contacted me again, which was a couple days ago saying she wanted me back. In these 2 weeks I healed quicker than I thought. I told her that I needed some time to think about it, and maybe it was best that we broke up. How no contact helped me realize how much easier it is without a serious relationship for me at the moment too. That college is piling up for me and I don't have time to commit to anyone. Basically that I couldn't be there for her if she couldn't be there for me. I didn't sugercoat it for her, I was brutally honest.


She took it hard, but told me she respected my decision and got off a little after that. I think it really shocked her because I never really shared my feelings in the past. I was introverted and never would've done that before.


The day after I said this she tried IMing me to see how I was doing. I ignored the IM. She tried calling that night, but I didn't answer. Then the day after that she contacted me and asked how I was doing. I got a little pissed off and told her that I can't talk to her right now. I need my space. That if she calls again I won't answer. She got really angry and started yelling at me, saying that I didn't respect her feelings, and yadda, yadda. I just hung up on her because I really didn't want to listen to that after working all day.


Then today I was driving home from work and I swear I saw her car sitting in the street a few houses down from mine. I got in my driveway, went in my house, and looked out my front door, and the car drove away.


Seriously, this girl is psycho. I was sad at first, but now I'm getting fed up with her. I think she expected me to just take her back easily because I was always a push over before, but I've grown so much since the break up. She can't handle it or something.


This is just getting messed up now.

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Ok, she's not pyscho, she is just acting annoying. Her behavior is normal post break up behavior, whatever that means, and you are right, she can't handle it. She is still attached and probably feels embarrassed that she dumped you, but you won't take her back.


Even if it was her car, I don't consider her stalking you yet. I would consider her annoying. Give her some more time. Be firm with her but affirm her if you do speak to her. As annoying as it may be, you need to give it a couple more weeks before it passes into stalking behavior.


Now, you don't have to give her the light of day. You owe her nothing. So be strong and give her some space too.

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this reminds me so much of my ex

he was SO MEAN

then after he realised I wasnt going back to him, and he ruined his chances of friendship, he went MENTAL...

He made a profile on a dating service, that was for him, but had my name in it, had all these references to me... I got it deleted of course...

he would call and hang up...

text me telling me about how much better his new gf is than me... except hes single...

I swear he drove past my house a few times as well... and I know he used to stalk his ex.


Just ignore it, she will get bored sooner or later and stop it.

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Just ignore it, she will get bored sooner or later and stop it.


This is really embarresing, but I used to do that with a guy I was Kind of seeing at the time. He was really strange and would say he was out with friends when he was really at home. (Eves, you nkow who Im talking about, think Foodtown? ) Anyways, after a while I didn't get any reaction from him, so I stopped.

She will get bored. She is probably trying to see if you're seeing anyone else as well...

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This is really embarresing, but I used to do that with a guy I was Kind of seeing at the time. He was really strange and would say he was out with friends when he was really at home. (Eves, you nkow who Im talking about, think Foodtown? ) Anyways, after a while I didn't get any reaction from him, so I stopped.

She will get bored. She is probably trying to see if you're seeing anyone else as well...


who? Harry potter? I dno who you are talking about!! pm me!


anyways, I have done it, an old mate of mine would goad me into it and we would drive past his house (she wanted to sleep with him while him and I were together, it was a very odd situation).. I was SO ANGRY at him for cheating on me and instantly moving in with this girl... He was really abusive and I was so mad that he wasnt sorry for what he did...


but I got over it... I never did anything terrible.. well, not THAT terrible, we did do the whole flmaing dog poo thing

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